Chapter 30

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Words can not express how overwhelmed and ecstatic I am. 1k votes?? Wow! I never even thought that anyone would read this book when I first published it. I wrote it because I loved writing and did not really care about the reads and votes; but the responses I keep on getting touched me deeply and I would like to thank all of you for the love and support that you have been giving this book ❤️


"Do, re, mi, fa, so—"

I stopped playing the piano, meeting the gaze I felt piercing my movements from the longest time. With my eyebrows scrunched down, I found myself staring at a boy who was standing near. He had pale skin, cherry lips and beautifully shaped eyes. My gaze softened, scooting to the other side of the seat, gesturing for him to sit beside me. He warily looked over to a woman with the same black hair who smiled reassuringly. After that, he sat beside me on the piano.

The other people inside the hall were busy talking with each other; discussing business matters. The party held was just like every single business party where the elders will talk amongst themselves and exclude the children. With this, I took the chance and went straight ahead to the piano located near the corner. There was no band for the evening; that was why no music was played and no one was dancing; however, that changed.

Music began to emit from the piano when the boy beside me started to play a song. My eyes beamed in amazement, watching him play effortlessly and with emotion. Some guests started to watch, smiling effervescently. I watched his fingers glide over the piano's keys. It was like silk gliding down a woman's body; coursing so freely and smoothly.

As the last note played, the guests clapped as he bowed his head down shyly. I clapped enthusiastically, grinning over at him.

"That was amazing," I stopped, uninformed of his name

I looked at him questioningly as he stared at me with a dazed look.

"My name is Yoongi." he uttered, bowing his head a little

"That was amazing, Yoongi! You should teach me how to play." I cheerfully said with a smile

"I don't even know you and we're not even friends." he said obnoxiously

"I'm [Y/N] and I already promise to be your friend." I pledged with my hand on my chest

Yoongi chuckled at my sheer foolishness with his gums sticking out.

"Whatever." he said, shooing me away

"Pledge to be my friend too, Yoongi-ah." I pouted

He sighed, looking at me in disbelief. He placed a hand on his chest while rolling his eyes.

"I, Min Yoongi, pledge to be [Y/N]'s friend." he monotonously said

I smiled and clapped my hands. I placed my hands on the piano afterwards.

"Teach me how to play... what song was that?" I asked

Yoongi sighed, taking my hands and positioning my fingers on the right keys.

"It's La Vie en Rose."

I felt a hand land on top of mine under the table, squeezing it reassuringly. Snapping back to my senses, my eyes widened. I abruptly looked upwards, meeting my parents' anticipating gazes. I turned my head towards Namjoon; who still had my hand in his clutch. He was waiting for the words to roll off my tongue; but I did not catch any of their drifts.

"I-I'm sorry. What was the question again?" I stammered, hastily gazing towards my parents who were seated across me at the dining table

My mother gave me a disgruntled look, sighing afterwards.

"Any suggestion for your wedding's motif? Your fiancé seems to be the only one pondering over it."  my mother said

I glanced at Namjoon, looking down a little before clearing my throat.

"I haven't chosen a theme yet." I flatly said

My mother gave me a disappointed look as she clicked her tongue and set her chopsticks down.

"The date of the wedding may seem far but we need to prepare earlier so we won't rush once it's near." she said

I just nodded my head, still aloof and not fully aware with the circumstances. My head was still buzzing with thoughts about the stories correlating Yoongi and I was ashamed of myself since I was still thinking of him even though I was getting married to someone else.

"Excuse us for a moment." Namjoon said, standing from his seat with my hand in his while proceeding to bow respectfully

Clueless, I stood up from my seat and bowed my head before letting Namjoon drag me with him. We ended up at the backyard again, feeling the night breeze touch our skins. Neither of us talked, letting the chilly wind brush through our hair. Our gazes landed on the stars as they twinkled above us. A smile managed to etch on my face as I took a seat on the grass, pulling Namjoon along with me.

Staring over at me, Namjoon kept our fingers locked. I briefly watched him glance down at the silver bands around our ring fingers, heaving a sigh afterwards.

"[Y/N], I'm sorry." he said softly

A tired sigh escaped my mouth, playfully glaring at Namjoon. I chuckled amusingly afterwards but I saw how serious he was, and so the smile on my face faded away.

"When will you stop saying that?" I asked, turning to look at the stars again

Namjoon looked down on his lap, taking a deep breath.

"I honestly don't know. Considering how I'm a hindrance for you to find true love and how I'm taking you away from my best friend, I don't think I'll ever stop, [Y/N]." he said with pain evident in his voice

I froze at his words with wide eyes and a held breath. The realization of how difficult was this for Namjoon settled upon me as well; making me release the breath I was holding. I looked at him as I felt my throat dry up.

"And you think I'm not hindering you from finding true love as well? Namjoon, I don't deserve you." I said with my voice cracking, "You're too good for me." I continued

Namjoon looked bemused as he looked at me in disbelief. He squeezed my hand reassuringly, pulling me a little closer to him.

"Don't say that; it makes me feel ashamed of myself for lying to you about so many things after the accident." he said, squeezing my hand reassuringly

I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder while gazing at the stars. Seconds ticked by and silence settled upon us. Thoughts were still buzzing in my head, having my eyebrows scrunch down in curiosity.

"Why was I in that car accident anyway?"

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα