Chapter 20

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Philippines is shookt rn. I'm shookt rn.

BTS is gonna stay here for a week and we're breathing the same air rn. I can't even—

Langhap sarap mga beshieee~


Closing the glass door behind me loudly, he quickly turned to the direction of the noise I made.


I sheepishly smiled at him, embarrassed at the ruckus I caused. He just looked at me in pure bewilderment, eyeing me up and down as I approached him.

Standing beside him and gripping the balcony's railings too, I laughed.

"Close your mouth, Yoongi. You might catch flies." I teased

Yoongi shot me a glare but he did not stop the smile that had been wanting to break for the longest time. He avoided my gaze and looked up at the stars instead; but he could not stop smiling. I began to laugh again due to how adorable Yoongi looked whenever he was grinning with his gums out.

I shook my head in a dismissive way, looking up at the sky too. The stars were shining brightly yet, I felt like I should be looking at something else.

Turning my head to look at Yoongi, my heartbeat instantly picked up its pace. I was glad that it was dark and that Yoongi could barely see the dark blush that appeared on my face. I intently stared at him with parted lips, my gaze wandering down from his eyes to his own pair of lips.

"Close your mouth, [Y/N]. You might catch flies." Yoongi quoted teasingly, looking back at me with a playful smirk

I chuckled, shoving his arm playfully. He laughed at me, moving close. He rested his right arm on the ledge, completely turning to me. He grabbed my hand, dragging me on my feet. I stumbled, catching up with him. We stopped in front of the glass door where it was more luminous than our spot earlier. I gaped at Yoongi, seeing his features clearly and noticing how attractive he looked wearing a suit.

He moved his face closer to mine, leveling our faces. My eyes widened a fraction but I did not move my head further away from his. He narrowed his gaze at me before standing up straight again.

"You cried again." he said, dragging me once more back to our spot afterwards

My shoes clacked on the floor loudly as I kept up with Yoongi. I gripped the front of my dress to prevent myself from stepping on it and tripping in the process.

"Yoongi, I'm wearing a dress." I whined since he was walking too fast

"Yeah, you look good in it." he quickly answered back

My breath was caught in my throat, shutting my mouth. He stared back at me, realizing what he just said. I could feel my whole face turning beet red while his eyes were still wide in shock.

"I-I mean—"

I bursted into a fit of giggles, propping my elbow and placing my chin on my hand afterwards while I smirked and stared at Yoongi teasingly.

"You look handsome as always." I complimented back

A smile formed on his face as he turned to the sky once more. Before, I loved admiring the stars and the stars only; but then I found someone else to admire. I somehow could not tear away my gaze off of Yoongi since his presence always seemed so alluring.

I knew I was falling for him even more; which was not a good thing in so many ways.

"Why aren't you mingling with people inside?" I questioned

Yoongi looked back at me, sighing a little while looking down on his feet. I also realized that our hands were still clasped and both of us did not bother to let go of each other.

"I was actually waiting for you." he admitted

I felt the butterflies in my stomach and I could hardly control my pulse. My eyes popped out of their sockets as Yoongi lifted up his head to lock gazes with me.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, considering jumping off the veranda at that very moment. Yoongi had me captivated by his gaze, pulling me into an irresistible trance.

"R-Really now? You seemed surprised when I walked in here a while ago." I uttered

Yoongi, once again, looked down; placing a hand on the back of his neck. It was quite rare for Yoongi to act embarrassed around me and I simply found it pleasing.

"The dress caught me off-guard." he spilled

I broke into a smile before tightening my grip on his hand. He scowled at me when my smile evolved into a teasing one.

"Why were you waiting for me, then?" I asked in pure curiosity

"I just... felt like I should." he said in a deep voice

My stomach did flips upon hearing his alluring tone. I turned away, taking in a deep breath. I felt jittery, biting down on my bottom lip to stop the smile forming on my face.

"So, why did you cry?" Yoongi questioned

I heaved a deep sigh, the giddiness faltering away instantly. The gloomy atmosphere dawned upon me as I instantly remembered what happened earlier.

"I'm so sick of my bodyguards. I'm so sick of my parents." I vent off

Yoongi's eyebrows swiveled down in confusion, moving closer to me. I just kept my head down before turning to look at the stars. No words were uttered after that. It was total silence as a gust of wind blew past us.

"I'm so sick of this place." I bitterly said

I looked back at him with an expression of grief, locking our fingers tightly. My eyes pleaded for comfort and enlightenment to all the situations I was trapped into.

Yoongi heaved a sigh, ruffling his hair messily afterwards. He stared back at me and I instantly stared back. Just like that, we ended up staring at each other for minutes; finding solidarity. His gaze was so reassuring; but soul-piercing at the same time. I felt goosebumps on my skin when he used his free hand to cup my cheek. He let our foreheads rest on one another; feeling his steady breaths on my face. Caressing my cheek with his thumb, we both closed our eyes for relaxation.

However, what came out rolling off his tongue had me flabbergasted.

"Run away with me?"

la vie en rose (min yoongi) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें