Chapter 12

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"[Your nickname]!"

The aroma of cookies filled the air as I ran back to the a house that all seemed familiar to me. I trudged through the grass, hearing quick footsteps behind me.

"Wait for me!"

I giggled as I scurried through the nearby patio. My eyes widened at the sight of cookies and milk.


A lady was sitting comfortably on one of the patio seats as she chuckled softly.

"They're still hot, Yoongi."

"[Y/N], wake up." Yoongi bellowed, gradually shaking me

I slowly opened my eyes and I then realized that I was bleating in my sleep. Tears filled my eyes, casually rolling down my cheeks as I blinked rapidly. I had trouble breathing whenever I'd wake up from these so-called dreams of mine.

Yoongi wrapped an arm around me, letting me scoot closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, placing my chin on his shoulder. He rubbed circles on my back as tears continued to fall. It only registered to me that Yoongi and I fell asleep on the same bed from last night's hangout when our embrace lasted longer. Taking in my surroundings, I was still in my bedroom and I was totally not in someone else's house hanging out with a young Yoongi who accidentally touched freshly baked cookies.

It was all a dream; but why did it seem so real?

"Shh. It's a dream, [Y/N]." Yoongi whispered

I tightened my hug around him, sniffling as I mustered my strength to calm down.

"It's not. Yoongi, i-it's not." I stammered

Yoongi took a deep breath as he slowly dispersed from the hug, firmly holding my shoulders. I was forced to unwrap my arms around him while he stared at me directly. He didn't say anything as he continued to stare at me. His eyes pleaded for enlightenment while mine reflected utter confusion as well. Tears subsequently fell from my eyes, making him bring up a hand to my face to wipe them away.

Yoongi proceeded to cup my cheek and I immediately froze. My ragged breaths started to even out and comfortable silence dawned over us. In a matter of minutes, a staring contest broke between us. The more I stared back, the more I felt familiarity. My heart was pounding on my chest as I felt Yoongi's thumb softly caress my cheek.

"You..." Yoongi trailed off as his gaze wandered down

I noticed him looking at my lips and that made me agitated than before. I was unsure about his actions and I was unsure on why I was letting him do this. I stayed still while I continued to stare at his captivating orbs. His gaze snapped back to my eyes as he sighed a little.

"You didn't change at all." he whispered

My face contorted to a strong expression of confusion as I anticipated the words rolling off his tongue. He closed his eyes momentarily and I felt worried. I felt worried because I could sense that Yoongi was worn out and was probably disgruntled due to his disturbed sleep.

"[Your nickname]." he said, barely above a whisper

I felt shivers run down my spine. His voice was alluring and it somehow ignited heat within my body. I stared at him sleepily as he let his fingers glide through my hair.

"What do you feel when I call you that?" he asked

I hummed in response as my eyes drooped. Talking to him was lulling me back to sleep. His voice was simply relaxing and hearing a couple of words escape his mouth was enough to make me feel drowsy again.

"I feel... weird." I whined, scratching the back of my head

Yoongi chuckled, pulling me closer beneath the sheets of my cozy bed. We probably fell asleep talking last night and I honestly didn't have problems with that.

"What kind of weird?" Yoongi asked as he snaked his arm around my waist

"I— I don't know how I'm going to explain it to you. It bugs me." I slurred as I closed my eyes a little

"[Your nickname]." he mumbled

I didn't answer as I watched his eyes close. I laughed a little, closing my own eyes.

"Don't leave me again."

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz