Chapter 15

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"[Your nickname]."

I instantly snapped out of my daze, meeting Yoongi's eyes. It occurred to me that I had been staring at my meal for a couple of minutes now. I was so lost in my thoughts due to my conversation with Namjoon.


"[Y/N], they missed a little detail that embodies a lot of memories." Namjoon eagerly said

My pulse accelerated while pain shot through my head. My body seemed to be malfunctioning as my brain slowly processed his words and took them to account rather lately. I was put in a state of shock and my tongue was simply tied.



Disrupting my thoughts of confusion, Sejun and Chul came running through our backyard with Taehyung and Jin following them. I forced a smile on my lips while hearing their frivolous giggles.

"They're looking for you." Taehyung said to the both of us

Namjoon and I looked at each other momentarily. He gave me a look that was clearly asking for forgiveness for he could not stay any longer to explain. I was left aghast but was quick enough to stand up and soon walk inside with all of them.

"Noona, are you okay?"


"Are you alright, [Y/N]?" Yoongi asked

I stopped reminiscing about what happened earlier during the breakfast with Namjoon's family. Yoongi set aside his utensils as he gave me a look filled with concern. I felt heat rush to my cheeks due to the way he was staring at me. Avoiding his gaze, I awkwardly cleared my throat before grabbing my utensils. I swung my feet under the table a little, eyeing the exterior of the café.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just..." I trailed off, unknowingly playing with my food

"Stop lying. You're not fine. Tell me what happened." Yoongi demanded

His tone was serious and I felt chills run down my spine as his voice echoed through my head. He started eating his food again, staring at me with his soul-piercing gaze. I pleadingly looked back at him, devouring my food carefully.

"We had breakfast with Kim Corporation this morning. They just... kinda bombarded me with questions tactlessly." I softly and timidly said

Yoongi arched an eyebrow, taking a sip from his drink. I was helplessly blushing under his gaze. I always felt vulnerable whenever I had his eyes on me. His eyes were always unexplainably shouting the aura of felicity. His gaze was captivating; and I felt like I was falling for him over and over again.

"What did they ask you?" he said, proceeding to eat his meal

"They asked about— wait, I think I haven't told you about—", I looked down a little, swallowing the lump in my throat, "— my amn— losing my memories, right?"

Yoongi just shook his head, gulping his drink a bit. He was calm and he seemed not surprised from what I just told him. I pouted a little since I felt confused. I expected a different reaction from him but I soon shrugged it off. Yoongi was unpredictable as always.

"They asked me about my therapy and checkups. I felt uneasy since my siblings were there and they have no clue about those kind of things." I whined

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon