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Hope POV

~after the case and getting the results of the DNA test~ 

Well Derek was away on the case Penelope got to know each other a little bit. I told her everything I told the others. 

I also know that there are two other people on the team that I haven't meant yet.

Anyway Derek and I are waiting for the results of the DNA test to come back. 

"Well Derek." The doctor says as he walks into the room. 

Derek looks at the doctor and waits for him to continue talking. 

"Hope is your daughter. Congratulations." He says with a smile. 

Derek looks at me and smiles a little. 

"Well lets go tell the team." Derek says as his smile grows. 

"Ok." I tell him. 

"So Hope tell me a little bit about yourself." Derek says as we get into the car. 

"I'm 13 years old. I was born on July 8th. My mom was the best mother ever. I have a high IQ and due to things that came up I graduated last June." I tell him. 

"So we got ourselves another genius." Derek says with a smile. 

"What am I supposed to call you?" I ask him after a moment of silence. 

Derek looks at me as we pull up to the FBI building. 

"Well I am your father so you can call me dad." He says. 

"Ok." I tell him as we get out of the car. 

"Hold on Hope." Der-Dad says as I walk towards the door. 
I turn and look at him. 

"I want you to know that you can come to me about anything...that means if you want to talk about your mom you can talk to me." He says. 

I give him a tight lipped smile. 


We walk into the building and we meet up with the team. 

My dad and I stand in front of everyone. 

"Well guys I would like you to meet my daughter Hope." My dad says with a smile. 

JJ and Penelope give me a hug as Aaron and Jason congratulate my dad. 

Emily introduces herself to me. 
I notice that the skinny guy is awkwardly standing with his hands in his pockets. 

I walk over to him. 

"I'm Hope." I tell him as I offer my hand out to him. 

"The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's-" he starts but I finish it for him.

"Actually safer to kiss." I say. He looks surprised but he smiles. 

"Exactly." He says. I smile a little at him. 

"I'm Spencer." He says after a moment of silence. 

"I'm taking you're the genius my dad was talking about." I say. 

"Yeah. I graduated high school when I was 12." 

"I graduated when I was 12 too." I tell him with a slight smile. 

"Nice to see the two geniuses getting along." My dad says as he walks over to us. 

I look at Spencer and he smiles at me. 

"We should get home Hope. We have a lot to do. We have to get a room set up for you and everything. All of you are welcomed to join us." Dad says he directs the last part at the team. 

They all agree and we all walk out of the building. 

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

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