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Derek POV 

"I found him." Penelope says as she runs into the room. 

Before any of us can say anything she's already talking and bringing things up on the screen. 

"His name is Isaac Miller. Isaac went to the same high school that Derek did. He also was one of Hope mom's nurses. He is single and his mom died at childbirth. His father was never in the picture. He was in and out of foster homes his whole life until he was eighteen. I've already sent his address to all of your phones." She says and all of us are standing up and heading out at the same time.

I stop and go back to Penelope. 

"Thanks mama." I say as I grab her face and kiss her. 

She kisses me back and we pull apart after a minute. 

"Go bring Hope home." She says with a smile. I smile back for the first time in a month and run out of the building. 

Spencer and Emily are waiting for me at the car. We all jump in and I start the car and follow Hotch as we speed towards where Hope is. 

​​We're coming for you Hope. Just hold on. 

~At the house~ 

The second I pull up to the place where my little girl is I barely turn off the car before all of us are jumping out of it. 
Hotch, Rossi and JJ are already heading towards the back door. 

Emily, Spencer and I head to the front door. 

I kick down the door before we split up. 

"Clear!" I hear Emily yell from downstairs. 

"Clear!" I yell down to them. 

I go back downstairs and meet with the rest of my team at the front of the house the only one who is not there is Spencer. 

"She's not here." Rossi says. 

I punch the wall closet to me and run a hand over my head. 

"I found something." Spencer says as he runs over to us. 

He is holding a computer. He sets it down on the table in the living room and we all crowd around it. 

​​​​​​He hits play and soon my little girl pops up on the screen. She looks terrible. She has bruises on her face and she looks like she hasn't eaten or slept in a month. On screen Hope starts talking.  

"If you guys are watching this then that means you found the house and this tape. I just want you to know that I am...I am...I am-" She's cut off by a voice from the background. 

"Hurry up Hope." It snaps at her. Hope rolls her eyes. 

"Like I was saying I am happy with Isaac so please stop looking for me." Hope stares at the camera for a second before she does something really fast with her hands. Then the screen goes black. 

"What did she do with her hands?" I ask after a second of silence. 

Spencer thinks for a second before his eyes widen and he jumps up. 

"What is it Reid?" I ask him as we follow him. 

"It was sign language." He says as he looks into rooms.

When he finds the bathroom he rushes in and looks under the sink. 

He smiles and looks at us. 

"She said under the bathroom sink." He tells us. I walk over to him and smile when I see it. 

Written in toothpaste under the sink it says 'His family farm'.

A/N I made a few changes to the previous chapter. It was nothing big but just something so it makes a little more sense as to what happened in this chapter.

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