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Derek POV

"So Derek I heard you asked a certain someone to move in with you." Emily says after we talked about the case and know where we're going once we land. 

"You asked Garcia to move in with you?" Spencer asks as he looks up at me. JJ, Rossi and Hotch are all looking at me now too. 

"Yeah I did. Before we left and she said yes so when we get back we'll probably start moving her in." I tell them with a smile and they all smile back at me.

"So that's the reason Hope was in such a good mood when you guys came in." Spencer says and I laugh a little. 

"Yeah. I asked her if she was ok with it and she said she was and she got really happy." I tell them and we all look at the girl we are talking about. 

She's sitting a little ways away from us and she has her legs tucked under her as she stares intently at the opened case file on her lap. She's also chewing on her lower lip something she does when she's thinking really hard or nervous. 

I look back at the other's and raise my eyebrows at them but they all have the same questioning look on their faces. 

"Hope." I say and she doesn't

"Hope!" I say a little bit louder and she snaps her head up and looks at us. 

"Are you ok?" I ask her. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just thinking about Molly." Hope says but I almost think she is lying before I shake that thought off. She wouldn't lie to me and she has a bunch of tells that prove she is lying. 

"We're going to find her Hope." Hotch says and Hope gives him a small smile. 

"Yeah, I know." 

The conversation stops after that and we all go back to doing our own things in silence.

Spencer continues to stare at Hope with his eyebrows furrowed. We all know there is something she isn't telling us but we all also know not to try and get it out of her because she will only get mad and not talk to us, all of us learned this the hard way. We've learned that when Hope is ready she'll tell us what is on her mind. 

Hope POV 

Once we land Spencer and I go to Molly's parents house well Dad and JJ go to the crime scene, Dave, Emily and Aaron all go to the police station to set up. 

Once Spencer and I get to Molly's house we knock on the door. 

Molly's mom, Claire, answers the door. 

"Hope?" She asks when she sees me. 

"Hi Claire. I'm here with the FBI. This is Dr. Spencer Reid. He would like to ask you a few questions about Molly." I say and I notice the look Spencer gives me when I say 'he would' instead of we. 

If I'm right I already know who has Molly, all I need to do is find out where he has her. I didn't tell the team because this is my fault and it's my battle that I have to fight on my own. 

Spencer asks the normal questions before we leave. We drive in silence as I chew on my bottom lip. Once I realize I'm doing it I stop. I don't want Spencer noticing and questioning me about it. 

Everyone goes about their normal business as we work on the case. 

~3 days later~ 

I've confirmed it is in fact who I thought it was and thanks to the profile I know where he is. 

I leave to go to the 'bathroom' as the team calls Penelope. 

I leave a note saying I'm sorry but this is my battle that I have to fight before I leave the police station and start to run towards where I know Molly is.

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