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Hope POV

It's so dark. Why is it so dark?

Where am I?

"Hope." I hear a familiar female voice say.

My heart starts beating fast as I look around for her.

"Hope." She says again.

"Mom! Where are you? I can't see anything!" I yell out to her.

"I'm right here, Hope." She says before suddenly there's a bright light, it's so bright I have to use my hand to block some of the light.

Once the light fades a little bit I can see her clearly.

I almost feel like crying when I see my mom standing in front of me, looking like she did before she got sick.

"Mom." I say with tears in my eyes as I wrap my arms around her.

"Oh my sweet baby." She says into my hair as she hugs me tightly.

"I've missed you so much." I say when we pull away.

"I've missed you too." Mom says softly as she lightly touches my cheek.

"How come you never told dad about me?" I question after a moment of silence.

"Your father was young, Hope. I knew the second he found out I was pregnant he'd drop whatever it was he was doing and come running. But I also knew that your father was met for great things and him knowing about you only met he wouldn't go on to do those great things. I'm not saying you were a mistake or a bad thing but your father never would have become a cop let alone a FBI agent because he knew how dangerous those jobs are and he knows what it's like to lose a parent at a young age. Also I knew he loved me but I wasn't the one person for him, I wasn't the person who completed your father. So I left."

"I have so much to tell you." I say with a smile.

"Oh I know all about what you've been up to." Mom says with a laugh. My smile widens hearing her laugh again.

"I know all about your family. I know how happy your dad is with Penelope and how he finally found the one. I know all about Aaron and Emily, and Spencer and Jennifer. I know about them all. I also know about Leonardo."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I may be gone, Hope but I'll never stop watching over you."

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