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Derek POV

"Hello?" I say as I answer my ringing phone.

"Morgan you and Garcia need to get to Gideon's cabin as fast as you can." Hotch says from the other side before there's a click meaning he hung up.

I look at the phone in confusion before I jump off of the couch. 

"What's wrong?" Garcia asks as she walks back into the living room just as I'm slipping on my shoes.

"Hotch called we have to get to Gideon's cabin."

"Morgan, Hope is at Gideon's cabin." Garcia says after a moment. My movements still and I swear I stop breathing.

I look up at her in panic as it finally registers that Hope is indeed at Gideon's cabin and has been for the past six months.

"Let's go." I say as I quickly grab the keys and run out the door.

The second Garcia closes her door I turn on the car and speed out of the driveway.

The whole ride to Gideon's cabin seemed like it was the longest thing of my life, even though I was speeding the whole way there.

The second we reach the cabin I put the car in park and jump out, I don't even turn off the car.

There's police cars everywhere and it looks like everyone is already here.

I run into the cabin and my heart is beating out of control as I notice it looks like there was a struggle.

I rush into the kitchen where I notice Gideon being taken care of by a paramedic and the rest of the team surrounding him.

"Morgan." Hotch says making everyone look up at me.

Gideon shoos the paramedics away from him as he sees me.

"I'm sorry, Morgan." He says as he looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.

With those three words and the look in his eyes it feels like my heart sinks to my stomach and I stop breathing.

"No." I state after a minute.

"Mor-" Hotch starts.

"No. She can't be gone again! I didn't fail her again! I didn't fail to protect her again!" I yell as I put my fist through Gideon's wall.

"Derek. Calm down." Garcia says softly as she stands next to me and lays a comforting hand on my arm.

I look down at her before I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly to me.

We stay like that for a few minutes as I calm down my breathing.

"We'll find her, Morgan." Hotch tells me when Garcia and I pull apart.

"Tell us everything." I say to Gideon.

Gideon then starts to tell us everything.

Hope POV

I blink my eyes open and pain instantly shoots through my head.

I groan go to move my arms only to be stopped.

My eyes snap to my wrist and my eyes widen and my breathing gets heavy when I realize they are chained to a bed.

I look down at my legs and realize they are the same way.

This isn't good. Let me paint you a picture of how I look right now.

I'm laid on my back with my arms and legs tied to the bed posts and I'm only wearing my bra and underwear.

Morgan's Daughter (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now