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Derek POV

As I speed down the road I can't help but think about how smart Hope is. She managed to tell us where she will be without alerting Isaac. 

It takes us twenty minutes to reach the farm. 

All of jump out of the car just as Hotch, Rossi and JJ get out of their car. 

"Morgan and Prentiss go check the barn. Reid and JJ go around back. Dave and I will take the front." Hotch tells us. We nod and head in different directions. 

Spencer POV

Once JJ and I reach the back door JJ quietly opens the door. 

We walk in and I hear her the second we walk in. 

"I-I-Isaac I'm sorry!" Hope yells from somewhere on my left. I don't think I just run towards her voice. 

"WE COULD'VE HAD AN AMAZING LIFE TOGETHER! BUT IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU NOBODY CAN!" Just as I reach the door where the yelling is coming from I hear a gunshot. 

My blood runs cold as I throw open the door and see Hope laying on the floor. 

I run over to her and drop on my knees. 

"No. No. No. Hope." I say as I lightly pick her up some. I notice the gunshot is in her stomach and try to stop the bleeding. 

"Hotch! Call a bus!" I hear JJ yell. 

"I should shoot you!" I hear JJ yell at someone, Isaac I'm assuming. 

"Don't shoot him. Let him rot in prison." I hear Rossi say as I continue to put pressure on Hope's wound. 

"Spence." I hear her say softly. 
I look down at her and see her eyes open. 

"Hey Hope. Hold on help is coming." I tell her as I try to keep the tears from falling. 

"You guys came for me." She says as she smiles softly. 

"Hope we're family. We'll always come for you." 

"Where's my dad." She asks me softly. 

"He's here. He will be in here soon." I tell her before I look up and notice JJ standing next to us with tears running down her face. 

"Get Morgan." I tell her and she nods before she leaves. 

"I don't want to die without telling him how much I love him." She says as tears come to her eyes. 

"You're not going to die Hope." I tell her sternly. 

​​​​​"HOPE!" I hear Derek's panicked voice as he runs into the room. 

He runs over to us and drops down to his knees on the other side of her. 

"Oh Hope." He says as he looks at her. 

She looks at him and smiles softly. 

"I love you so much daddy." She says as she starts to take deep breaths. 

"I love you too baby." 

"Where the hell is the bus!" Derek yells. 

"They're here now." Rossi says as paramedics run in. 

"I'm going to have ask you guys move out of the way." One of the paramedics says. I quickly but carefully set Hope back on the floor just as her eyes close again. 

"Hope! No Hope keep your eyes open!" Derek yells as he stands up. 

"Derek come on we have to let them do their jobs." Emily says as she walks over to him. 

Derek backs up and watches as the paramedics start to give her CPR. 

"Where is he." Derek hisses out. 
"He's in the car." JJ says. 

Derek turns and walks out of the room. 

Derek POV

I storm down the stairs and out to the police car. 

The blood in my veins is boiling and I can only see red.

"Let him out and uncuff him." I tell the officer's. 

​​​​​​"What?" One of them asks me. 

"Let him out and uncuff him." I say again. 

They look at each other before they do what I told them to do. 

"Wh-" the bastard starts but I cut him off by punching him in the face. 

He stumbles back and looks at me surprised as blood pours from his nose. 

​​​​​​"What the hell." He says. 

I don't answer I just punch him again. 

He goes to hit me but I'm a better fighter than him and I easily block it. 

I just keep punching him. 

I don't stop until someone is pulling me off of him. 

"Morgan stop!" Hotch's voice finally reaches my ears. 

I am breathing heavily as Hotch pulls me away from Isaac. Isaac is laying on the ground with blood on his face. 

​​​​"If she dies you better wish they have you locked away!" I yell at Isaac's body. 

Hotch stands between me and Isaac. 

He turns and looks at the two officers. 

​​​​​​"Why would you let him out?" He asks the officers. 

"He told us to." One of the officers says. 

​​​​"And you listened to him? He clearly isn't in the right state of mind." 

Before the officer's can answer Hotch, Rossi runs over to us. 

"They're getting ready to leave and they were wondering if you wanted to ride in with Hope." He says to me. 

"Yeah I'm riding in with her." I say before I take off running to the ambulance. 

"You're the father?" One of the paramedics asks me. 

"Yeah." I say. He nods and lets me get in the back with Hope and the other paramedic. 

I sit down next to Hope and grab her hand. 

As I do so I realize I have blood on my knuckles. 

Please be ok Hope. I can't lose you.

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