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~2 months later~

"This is pointless!" I yell as I try, and fail yet again at taking a step.

In the last two months I've gotten some feeling back in my legs but I still haven't been able to walk yet. It's like I can feel my legs but I can't move them, no matter how hard I try. I can stand but I can't walk, how stupid is that.

My doctors keep saying it's because I'm thinking too much about it and that I need to get out of my own head and just take that first step but that is proving to be impossible.

"Hope calm down. You can do this." Dr. Jones says softly to me.

"I clearly can't! Because if I could I'd be walking right now." I snap at him.

I don't mean to be so rude I'm just so frustrated and the longer I have to be in that stupid wheelchair the longer it is until my life can go back to the way it was.

"Let's call it a day. Same time next week." Dr. Jones says as he places my wheelchair behind me.

I sink down into the chair feeling frustrated, angry and just completely hopeless. At this rate I'll never walk again.

I allow Dr. Jones to wheel me out to where my dad is waiting for me.

I've been allowed to go home but every week I have to come back for physical therapy.

"How was it?" Dad asks as Dr. Jones wheels me into the waiting room.

"Can we just go home?" I ask as I look up at my dad.

"Yeah. Of course." Dad says as he smiles sympathetically at me.

"I'll see you guys next week." Dr. Jones says as dad starts pushing me away.

I can do it myself I just don't feel like doing anything right now.

Nothing is said the whole car ride home.

When we pull into our driveway my dad gets out and comes around to my side.

He pulls the wheelchair from the back of the car before he opens the passenger side door.

He easily lifts me from the seat and sets me into the wheelchair.

My dad has built a wheelchair ramp next to the stairs so I can get in the house.

Since my room is upstairs I've been sleeping in the guest bedroom we have downstairs.

"How did it go?" Penelope asks as we come into the house.

I don't answer her as I wheel myself to the guest bedroom.

I wheel myself over to the bed before I get on the bed. I've learned how to get on and off the bed without any help.

I lay on my back staring up at the ceiling just thinking about everything.

I don't know how long I lay like that before someone opens the door and walks in. I don't even bother looking at the door because I know who it is.

I feel the other side of the bed dip down as I continue to look at the ceiling.

"I still couldn't do it." I whisper to him. I don't need to say anything else because he knows what I'm talking about.

"Its only been two months, Hope. Give it time you'll walk again." Leonardo whispers back.

"What if I don't?" I ask as I continue to stare at the ceiling.

Leonardo is quiet for a moment before he answers me.

"Then you don't walk again. You'll still be Hope Morgan. You'll still find a way to FBI agent. You'll still be the smartest girl I know." He says and I can feel him looking at me but I keep looking at the ceiling.

Morgan's Daughter (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now