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Hope POV

Everything is dark.

I try to open my eyes but it feels like they weigh a ton.

I can hear beeping coming from somewhere close. I can feel both my hands are in someone's.

I try to open my eyes again. It works this time but the minute my eyes open I shut them quickly because of how bright it was.

I open my eyes again and blink a few times to try and get my eyes used to the light.

I look on my right and see my dad holding my hand, he is sleeping in the chair. I look to my left and see Spencer holding my hand, and also sleeping.

I hear them door open and I look away from Spencer and at the door.

Aaron walks in. When he looks at me and notices I'm awake he smiles at me and I smile back.

"How are you feeling Hope?" He asks me in a whisper.

"Fine." I answer him.

"The rest of the team is out in their waiting room. Only two people at a time are allowed in here. I only came in here to see if these two were awake so we can switch out who was in here." He explains to me quietly.

"How long was I out?" I whisper back.

"Two days."

We're quiet for a minute.

"Have any of you left the hospital since I've been here?" I ask him.

"No we haven't."

"Then where did you guys eat and sleep?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"We ate in the cafeteria the hospital has and we slept in the waiting room or in here like these two."

"You guys should've went home and got some good food and got some sleep because I have a feeling that none of you slept that good in the past two days."

"None of us were going to leave you Hope. You're family." Aaron tells me and I smile a little. The most family I've ever had was my mom now I have my dad and six other people that are my family.

"We should probably wake these guys up." I tell Aaron and he nods agreeing with me.

I take my hand out of Spencer's and he moves a little but doesn't wake up.

I look over at my dad and decide to wake him up first.

"Dad." I say softly. He doesn't even move.

"Dad." I say again but louder this time. He moves a little but doesn't wake up.

"Dad!" I pretty much yell.

His eyes snap open and he sits up straight. He looks around the room before his eyes land on me.

When he notices that I'm awake his eyes widen.

"Hope." He says before he stands up and engulfs me in a hug.

I wince a little at the pain but hug him back.

"I've been so worried about you." He says.

I just hug him tighter.

Once we pull away from the hug he looks at me and smiles and I smile back.

"I'm going to go let the others know you're awake." He tells me.

"Ok. I'm going to wake up Spencer." I tell him and he nods his head before he heads to the

I look over at Spencer and notice the faint smile on his lips indicating he is already awake.

"I know you're awake Spence you can open your eyes now." I tell him with a smile on my face. Aaron laughs a little as he sits down where my dad was.

Spencer opens his eyes and a huge smile comes to his face.

He quickly stands up and hugs me tightly.

I wince again but hug him back
just as tightly.

"Don't you ever scare us like that again." Spencer says as we pull away from the hug.

"I can't make any promises." I tell him. He opens his mouth to say something but he is cut off by the door being thrown open and Penelope, Emily and JJ running over to me.

Penelope reaches me first and pulls me into a hug.

As soon as she let's go JJ pulls me into a hug and as soon as JJ let's go I'm pulled into another hug by Emily.

Once she pull away I look at David.

I smile at him. "What no hug?" I ask him as I open my arms.

Everyone laughs and he walks over to me and hugs me. I may not know David all that well but I do know he is part of the family.

Once we pull away I look at my family.

"Now that all the hugs are done with. We have a slight problem." I tell them.

"What?" They all asks in unison.

"I've been informed that none of you have left this hospital in two days. That means none of you have had any good real sleep in the past two days. And none of you have had any good food in the past two days." I tell them.

They all turn and look at Aaron.

"We told you not to tell her that Hotch." Dad says.

"I forgot we weren't suppose to tell her." Aaron tells them and they all sigh and roll their eyes in unison. I look at Aaron and we both laugh a little at them.

"Anyway I want all of you to go back to your homes and eat some good food and get some sleep."

They all open their mouths to protest but I cut them all off.

"I'll still be here when you get back. Plus the doctors are probably going to want to run a lot of tests on me and I'm still tired so it's not like you guys will be missing much." I tell them.

"I'm not leaving you." Dad says.

"Dad I'll be fine I promise you. Besides what good will it do if you end up getting sick or something because you haven't eaten or slept properly in two days." I tell him.

"She's right Derek. You should go back to your place and eat and get some sleep then you can come right back here." Penelope says as she lightly touches his arm.

My dad sighs and looks between the two of us.

"Fine but you have to come with me." Dad says as he looks at Penelope. She smiles at him.

"Ok." She says.

My dad sighs and walks over to me.

"I love you Hope." He says before he kisses my forehead.

"I love you too dad." I tell him with a smile.

Everyone gives me a hug or a kiss on the forehead before they leave. Dad, Penelope and Spencer are the last three to leave my room.

I really do love my family. I think as I close my eyes and fall to sleep.

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