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Hope POV

~3 days later~ 

I swallow the lump in my throat as I look at my dad. He is sitting on the couch and I'm currently standing in the doorway. 

I can do this. I have to do this. I think to myself before I take a deep breath and step into the living room.

"Dad?" I say as I walk over to him. He looks up at me and smiles. 

"Yes Hope." 

"There's something I need to tell you." 

"Ok. You can tell me anything." He says as I sit down next to him on the couch. 

I sit so I am facing him with my
legs tucked under my body. 

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second before I open my eyes and tell him everything I told Spencer. 

"I understand if you are mad at me. It's just...I couldn't tell you right away because I wanted you to like me and who would like a girl who has been abused, had a sick mother, and was in foster care. I didn't even mean tell Spencer." I say at the end.

By this time I am very close to tears and I'm not looking at my dad. 

"Hope." He says gently. I look up at him. 

"I'm not mad. Would I have liked to been told this sooner? Yes I would've. And you are an amazing girl. There is nothing in this world that could make me not like you." He says softly. 
I try to blink the tears away. 

"You're my daughter Hope and I love you more than anything else. Just because we haven't known each other for that long doesn't mean anything. You're the strongest girl I know, you're one of the smartest people I know. Hope you are the best daughter a guy could ask for so don't you ever doubt yourself or think lowly of yourself. Hope I love you so much and I'm glad that you're my daughter." 

"I love you too." I say before
I pretty much throw myself in my dads arms and hug him. He hugs me back and its not long before I'm crying. 

We sit there like that, us hugging (with me practically in his lap) and me crying, for awhile. 

When we finally pull away I've stopped crying. 

I wipe my eyes and look at him. 

"We probably should do something about the whole your-not-supposed-to-be-here thing." My dad says after a moment of silence. 

I laugh a little. "Yeah we probably should. You could probably just let the child service people know that you have me and I'm your daughter." I tell him. 

"Yeah. I probably could but I'm going to talk to Hotch first and see what he thinks I should do." 


I look at the time on my dads phone and see it's getting late. 

"I'm going to go to bed." I say as I stand up.  

My dad stands up too. "I should probably go to bed too." He says before we both head back to our rooms. 

We reach my room first. I turn around and hug him. He hugs me tightly back. 

"Night dad." I say softly as we let go of each other.  

"Goodnight Hope." Dad says softly before I turn to go into my room. 

"Wait Hope." 

"Yeah?" I ask as I turn back around. 

"The guy that was abusing you, what was his name?" He asks me. 

"I can't tell you that." I state. 

"Why not?" 

I laugh a little. "Because I don't need to visit my dad in prison because he murdered someone." I tell him with a smile. He smiles back at me a little. 

"I guess you're right. But I can always find out. I can have Garcia look and she always finds what she needs to." He says as his smile gets a little bit bigger. 

"That's true but let's not do that." I say with a small laugh. 

"Ok...but just know I'm going to find out sooner or later." 

"Goodnight dad." I say with a smile. 

"Goodnight Hope." Dad says before we both go into our rooms.

As I lay down on my bed I can't help but to smile. 

It feels like a gaint weight has been lifted off my chest.

For the first time since my mom got sick I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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