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Hope POV

~5 years later~

"I'm home," I call out as I walk into the apartment.

"Oh thank God! I-I don't know what to do! I need your help!" Molly yells as she runs up to me.

Her eyes are wide and she looks extremely scared.

"What's wrong?" I ask her as I try not to panic.

"Come with me," she demands as she grabs my arm and pulls me with her.

"Molly you're freaking me out. What's wrong? Where's Leo?" I ask as Molly continues to drag me through our apartment.

"He's at work. But I-I don't know what to do about this," Molly says as she drags me into the bathroom.

I'm confused for a few more seconds until I look at the sink and my eyes widen.

Sitting in the sink are three different types of pregnancy test and all three of them are positive.

"Is he the father?" I ask as I look back up at Molly.

"Yeah. R-Ryan is the father," Molly says as tears well up in her eyes.

Ryan and Molly dated for two years before she found out he was cheating on her, for pretty much their whole relationship, about three weeks ago.

"I-I don't know what to do," Molly says as the first tear slides down her face.

I grab her hand and gently drag her to her room. Where we both sit on her bed.

"Do you want to keep the baby?" I ask her gently.

"I-I don't know. I still have a year left of school," she whisper as she looks down at her lap.

I give her hand a squeeze and we stay quiet for a few minutes as I let her think about everything.

"I-I think I want to keep it," Molly says as she looks at me with wide eyes as she places her other hand on her stomach.

"Well then congratulations," I tell her with a smile.

"Will you help me? I don't think I can do this by myself."

"Of course I'll help you. Are you going to tell Ryan?"

"Yeah. He should know," she says with a sigh.

"I'm home!" Leonardo's voice yells through the apartment before I get the chance to say anything back to Molly.

Leonardo moved in with us about three years ago. He also has a job at a public school that is close by.

A smile comes to my face when I hear his voice. I've been away on a case and it's always an amazing feeling when I see him when I come back.

"Go. I gotta call Ryan anyway," Molly says as she nudges me lightly.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Now get out of here," she says with a smile.

I smile back before I stand up and leave her room.

I find Leonardo in the kitchen making a pot of coffee. He has his back to me so he hasn't seen me yet.

I smile as I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.

Leonardo jumps slightly before he looks behind him with a smile.

"You're home," he says with the smile still on his face as he turns around and wraps his arms around me.

"Yeah I just got back. I was going to text you that I was home but Molly needed me for something," I say as I look up at him with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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