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Hope POV

~2 months later~

It's been two months since I have been in this group home.

I talk to everyone back home every single day. I hang out with Molly sometimes but she's busy with school so I normally just end up walking around the city.

I spend a lot of time at the library, that's mainly because I'm still taking the college classes online. When I'm not at the library I normally go to this small daycare to help out.

I'm currently walking down the sidewalk towards the daycare.

"Hello, Hope." Mrs. Crane says as I walk into the daycare.

"Hey, Mrs. Crane." I say with a polite smile as I walk towards the room where all the kids are.

"Hope!" The kids yell once they see me.

I smile at them as they run to hug me.

"Hey guys." I say with a slight laugh.

"I thought you wouldn't be in until next week?" Miss Sue, she's the person that's in charge, says after the kids pull away from me and go back to what they were doing.

"I finished my schoolwork early." I say with a shrug.

"You're too smart, Hope." Miss Sue says with a chuckle.

"Hope! Come draw with me!" Parker, he's a shy little boy who is probably my favorite kid in here but don't let the others know, yells.

I smile at him before I look back at Miss Sue.

"That's my cue." I tell her and she laughs.

I walk over to Parker and sit down on the little chairs next to him.

"I love to draw but I'm not that good. Not like you anyway." I tell the little boy with a wide smile.

Parker smiles at me before he hands me a piece of paper and a crayon.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." Parker says before he goes back to drawing his picture.

After ten minutes of drawing with Parker my phone starts to go off. I put the crayon I was using down and fish my phone out of my pocket.

I look at the name and smile as I see Penelope's name.

"Hey, Pen." I say as I answer the phone.

"Hope." Penelope sighs, it sounds like she's close to panicking.

"Garcia what's wrong?" I ask as I sit up straight and my heart starts to pound in my chest.

"It's...it's Leo."

My breathing gets faster as my heart pounds against my chest.

"What about Leo? Garcia tell me what's going on, you're scaring me."

"He...he was in a car accident. It's really bad Hope." Penelope says and it sounds like she's close to tears.

I shoot up, knocking the small chair backwards, and getting the attention of every person in the room.

"I'm coming home."

"Bu-" Penelope starts but I cut her off.

"I'll be there soon." I say before I hang up on her.

"Hope?" A small voice says making causing me to look down and see Parker looking up at me from his chair with a frown on his face.

"I have to go. I'm sorry buddy but someone who means a lot to me got hurt." I say softly as I crouch down in front of him.

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