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Hope POV

"Thanks." I say as I pay for the coffee.

I leave the coffee shop and head towards the FBI building.

Just as I pass an alley someone jumps out and covers my mouth.

I struggle and drop the coffee suddenly everything goes black.

Derek POV

"About time." The team says in unison as we walk in the conference room. Penelope and I laugh at them.

I look around the room and notice Hope is missing.

"Where's Hope?" I ask.

"She went to get you coffee." Aaron and Spencer say in unison.

"How long ago?" I ask them.

Something doesn't feel right.

"Fifteen minutes ago." Spencer says.

"Why is it taking her so long?" I ask as I start to panic.

"Calm down Derek. We'll all go look. She probably just got stuck in a long line." David says.

"Yeah ok." I say before we all leave and head towards the coffee shop.

As we enter the coffee shop I walk straight up to the register.

"Have you seen this girl?" I ask as I show the guy a picture of Hope on my phone.

"Yeah she was in here about ten minutes ago. She was really nice." He says.

"Thanks." I say as I go back to the team.

"Hope was in here about ten minutes ago." I tell them.

"Ok lets look around and see if we can find her." JJ says. I can tell all of them are starting to panic.

"Yeah ok." I say.

"Calm down Derek. We'll find her." Penelope says as she rubs my arm.

"Yeah I know we will." I say as I force a smile.

"Guys over here." Spencer says from next to an alley.

All of us run over to him.

My heart stops when we get there.

On the ground there is spilled coffee and Spencer has something in his hand.

"Look." He says softly as he shows me a picture.

I take the picture. When I see it I close my eyes and turn my head.

It's a picture of Hope. It was taken from far away.

"There's more." Emily says.

I open my eyes and see that Emily is in the alley.

The rest of us walk in and there is pictures of all of us with Hope on the ground and taped to the side of the alley.

"Look." JJ says as she points to a dumpster.

We walk over to it and notice there is white paint on it.

Hope is mine. You shall never see her again. Sorry but I need her in my life. And Derek Morgan you don't deserve her.

I punch the dumpster and walk out of the alley.

"Derek." I hear Penelope say as she runs after me.

I turn and look at her. I can feel the tears coming.

"Oh Derek." She says.

"Someone took my baby." I say before the tears start to fall.

Penelope hugs me close to her and rubs my back as I dig my head into her shoulder.

"Oh Derek. We'll find her I promise." She whispers to me.

"Ok everyone listen up. Finding Hope is our number one priority. We don't take any other cases until Hope is back with us." Aaron says.

I let go of Penelope and wipe my eyes.

"Thanks." I say to him.

"Hope is our family too." Aaron says.

Don't worry Hope we will find you. I don't care what it takes.

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