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Hope POV 

~3 days later~ 

"Hope!" I hear my dad yell to me. 

"What!" I yell back.

"There's someone here to see you!" 

"That's not true I'm here to see you, Derek!" I hear Leonardo yell and I laugh. I get off of my bed and walk to the living room where I know they will be. I have to stop myself from laughing at the sight in front of me. Leonardo is standing in front of my dad and it looks like he is trying to hug him or something and my dad is trying to push him away. 

"Hope control your best friend." Dad says when he sees me. 

"He's clearly not my best friend. If he was he would be here to see me, but he's here to see you. It's ok I'll just find a new best friend." I say, jokingly, with a smile as I look at my dad and Leonardo. 

Leonardo immediately let's go of my dad and turns around to face me. 

"No! You can't do that! You're my best friend!" He yells jokingly at me. 

"It's too late. I already have a new best friend, in fact I'm going to go call him right now." I say with a smile as I start to walk away. 

"No!" Leonardo yells as he starts to run after me causing me to run. 

Leonardo chases me around the living room for a few minutes before he catches me. He grabs me around the waist and picks me up. 

I laugh as he spins around before he lightly sets me down on the couch. 

"Say I'm your best friend and you're never replacing me or I'll tickle you." He says as he hovers over me.

"I'm sorry I can't do that." I say with a smile as I shake my head. 

Leonardo's hand comes down and starts to tickle me. I laugh and try to get away but I can't. 

"Ok. Ok. You win." I say in between laughs. Leonardo stops tickling me and looks down at me. 

"You're my best  friend and I'm never replacing you." 

"Good." He says with a smile before he gets up and offers his hand out to me. I roll my eyes playfully and grab his hand. He pulls me up effortlessly and I smile at him. 

I wince a little once I'm standing because of all the running and laughing I did hurt my ribs. Leonardo notices this and his eyes widen. 

"Shit, Hope. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about your ribs." He tells me. 

"I'm fine Leo. Don't worry about it." I tell him with a reassuring smile. 

"It's not fine. I need to be more careful around you." 

"No you don't. I'm seriously fine Leo." 

"Now why did you really come here?" I ask him before he can argue back. 

"I know what you did but I'll change the subject for now. Just know I disagree with you. I came here because I wanted to take you out and do something. Maybe dinner and a movie?" 

"Sure sounds good." I tell him with a smile and he smiles back. 

"You guys are really weird kids." My dad's voice says causing us to turn and look at him. He's standing in the doorway of the living room and next to him is Penelope, JJ and Spencer. 

"You know that sounded like a date." Penelope says before Leonardo or I can say anything. 

"Yeah it did." JJ agrees with Penelope. 

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