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Hope POV 

~2 months later~ 

"Hey dad, can I talk to you." I say as I walk into the living room where he is. 

Dad turns his head from the TV to look at me. 

"Of course you can." He says as he pauses the TV and I sit down on the couch next to him. 

I sit so I'm facing him and my legs are tucked under my body. 

"So I know we haven't caught John yet, but there's this camping trip Leo is going on with his school and you can bring a guest if they are around the same age. He asked me to go with him and I really want to go. We'll be staying in a cabin in the woods and Leo will be with me at all times. I also figured since it's been five months and three days since everything with John happened, he's probably under ground, laying low, somewhere. He probably won't surface again for a year or two. So I can I please please go." I ramble out to him quickly. 

"I don't know Hope. You'd be in the woods. How long is the trip anyway?" 

"It's just for the weekend. We'd leave early Friday morning and get back Sunday night." 

I can see that my dad is really thinking about letting me go so I give him my best puppy dog face. He looks at me and sighs as a slight smile comes to his face. 

"Fine. You can go. Just stop with the face." Dad says with a laugh. 

"Thank you! Thank you! I love you!" I say excitedly as I hug him. He laughs and hugs me back. 

"I have to go call Leo! Thank you so much dad, you're the best." I say with a huge smile as
I jump up from the couch. My dad laughs a little and shakes his head. 

I start to run to my room before I stop and turn back around. I run over to my dad and give him a kiss on the cheek before I turn and run to my room. 

I grab my phone off of my nightstand and flop down on my bed as I call Leonardo. 
Leonardo answers his phone after the second ring. 

"Hey Hope." 

"My dad said yes! I can go!" I say excitedly into the phone as I look up at my ceiling. 

"Yes! Thank god he said yes. I really wanted to go on this camping trip but if you couldn't have gone then I wouldn't have gone either." 

"I would have made you go." 

"And how would you have done that?" Leonardo asks and I can't see him but I know he has a smirk and an eyebrow raised. 

"I might have given you the puppy dog face, like I just did my dad." 

"I hate your puppy dog face. Did you really use it on your dad?" 

"You only hate it because when I use it you can't say no. Yeah I really did use it on him and he said 'Fine. You can go. Just stop with the face.' I should try it on Aaron." 

"You really should. But you have to wait until everyone is there so we can all witness Hotch fall victim to your puppy dog face." 

I laugh at what Leonardo said. 

"I should put glow in the dark stars on my ceiling." I say randomly. Leonardo laughs at me. 

"You should paint your ceiling black to go with your stars." 

"I am going to do it. Do you want to help me paint my ceiling and put up my stars?" 

"Of course I want to help you. I'll be over in twenty minutes." Leonardo says and I can tell he's smiling which causes me to smile. 

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