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Hope POV 

~3 months later~ 

I'm the happiest I've been since I was six. 

My dad is the best dad in the world. I'm really close to everyone on the team, especially Spencer. 

The only way things could get better is if my dad would just admit he's in love with Garcia. I already got her to admit it to me. 

The only bad thing is that Jason left. David Rossi took his place. David's not that bad I just don't know him that well yet. 

"Dad." I say as we drive to the FBI building. 


"Why won't you admit you love Garcia? And I'm not talking about friendly love." I say. 

"What? What makes you think I have more than friendly feelings for Garcia?" 

I roll my eyes at him. 

"It's obvious. The way you guys talk and act around each other. The way you both know each other so well. The way both of you are just happier when you are around each other. The way you would do anything to keep her safe. The way you act when she is talking to a guy you don't know. If it's painfully obvious to anyone but you two." I tell him. 

"Hope I don't know what you're talking about." 

I roll my eyes at him a little. "Dad I have a very high IQ I think I know what I'm talking about and so do you." 

My dad looks at me for a second before he sighs. 

"So maybe I have more than friendly feelings for Garcia it's not like anything could ever come out of it." 

"Why not?" 

"Because Hope we work together." 


"What happens if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way? Or what if we get together and break up? It's just to complicated because we work together." My dad says as we pull up to the FBI building.  

"I just think you should tell her. I have a real good feeling about the two of you." I tell him with a smile as we get out of the car. 

"I don't kno-" my dad starts but I cut him off. 

"Just tell her today before we go on a case. She deserves to know dad." I say as we walk into the building and into the elevator. 

"Fine but you have to go get us some coffee since I forgot to stop." He says with a smile as we step out of the elevator and into the office area. 

"Deal." I say as I get in front of my dad and turn so I'm facing him. I stick my hand out and my dad laughs a little and shakes my hand. 

Before I can turn back around I run into someone. I stumble forward and my dad catches me.

"What have we told you about walking backwards Hope?" Aaron asks. 

I slowly turn around and smile at him. 

"To keep practicing because practice makes perfect." I say with the smile still on my face.
Aaron smiles as my dad laughs behind me. 

"Was it a deal or bet?" Aaron asks with the smile still on his face. 

"Deal." I say. 

"Speaking of the deal your part just arrived." I tell my dad as I see Penelope, JJ and Emily walk in.

My dad looks at them and takes a deep breath before he walks over to them. 

"Finally get him to admit his feelings for her." Aaron says as we watch my dad and Penelope walk away. 

"Yep." I say as I pop the 'p'. 

"Well I have to go get him a coffee." I tell Aaron. 

"Ok. See you when you get back." Aaron says as he ruffles my hair a little before we part ways. 

Just as I step on the elevator Spencer and David step off. 

"Where are you going Hope?" Spencer asks before the doors close. 

"Coffee run for my dad." I say just as the doors close. 

Derek POV

"What's up Derek?" Penelope says as I pace around her office. 

"Ok so I made a deal with Hope and I have to hold up my end but its really hard to do." I say really fast. 

"You can tell me anything Derek." She says. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. 

"My feelings for you aren't just friendly feelings. I might even be in love with you." I say with my eyes still closed.

"Derek open your eyes." Penelope says. 

I does as she says and notice she has a gaint smile on her face. 

"I feel the same way." She says. A smile stretches across my face. 

"Seriously?" I ask her. She nods her head. 

I step closer to her. 

"So will you Penelope Garcia go on a date with me?" I ask her.

"I would love to Derek Morgan but you have to kiss me right now." She says with a smile. 

I smile back and lean down and kiss her. Kissing her is better than I've ever imagined it would be like. 

As we part I lean my head against hers. 

"That was better than I imagined it would be." She whispers. I chuckle. 

"Yeah it was." I whisper back. 

"We have a job to get to." She whispers. 

"Mhm." I say as I kiss her again. 

"As much as I would love to keep kissing you we have to get to work." Penelope says as we break the kiss. 

"Yeah you're right." I say as I take a few steps back. 

"Come on let's go present the case to the team." She says as she takes my hand and we leave. I smile down at her and she smiles back. 

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