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Derek POV 

~1 month later~ 

One month. 

It's been exactly one month since I saw her smile. 

It's been exactly one month since I heard her laugh. 

It's been exactly one month since I heard one of her random facts. 

It been exactly one month since I heard one of her little arguments with Rossi. 

It's been one month since I heard her and Hotch debate if she should be on the team. 

It's been exactly one month since I watched one of her and Spencer's chess game.

It's been exactly one month since I heard Emily and JJ try to convince her to go shopping with them. 

It's been exactly one month since I've walked into Garcia's lair and seen her spinning around in a chair as Garcia does some work. 

It's been exactly one month since the team has worked on a different case. 

It's been exactly one month since my sunshine has been missing. 

It's been exactly one month since I have seen my daughter. 

"Derek." Penelope says snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah?" I ask as I look up at her.

"Come on Spencer thinks he has something." She says softly. I am in my office at the moment but the second she says that I am up and headed towards where I know the team is. 

I sit down and Penelope sits down next to me. 

Spencer is standing in front of the table. 

"Ok we all know that the stalker Hope had is the person who took her but we don't know who the stalker is. None of this made sense to me since normally stalkers make themselves known before they take actions into their own hands, like kidnapping. This stalker didn't do that. Instead none of us were aware Hope was being watched. Hope wasn't even aware." Spencer rambles. 

"Spencer get to the point." I snap at him. 

"Ok. What if this unsub knew Hope before she came here? And because of the message left on the dumpster for Morgan the unsub probably knew him at one point in their life's." Spencer says. 

"That makes sense. We've been thinking of this as someone who saw Hope and thought they fell in love with her and as someone who didn't like Hope having someone else in her life and that's where the message to Morgan came in." Rossi says. 

"Garcia you need to go over all the people that have ever had any contact with Hope and in some way knew Morgan." Hotch says. Penelope nods and quickly gets up and leaves. 

Hope we're going to find you I promise. 

Hope POV

I'm tired. 

I'm cold. 

I'm dirty. 

I'm in pain. 

I'm hungry. 

I miss my family.  

I have been down here for a month now. My hands are still tied  Isaac comes down every day and he tries to get me to eat but normally I don't. Which gets him mad and he hits me. 

"Hope." Isaac says as he comes down the stairs. 

​​"What?" I hiss at him and he sighs. 

"We have to leave." He says as he unties my hands. ​​​

I immediately rub my wrists. They have been tied the same way for a month. My arms also hurt and having them down at my sides feels good. 

Isaac takes my hands and tie them together behind my back. 

"Why do we have to leave?" I ask him as he starts to take me upstairs. I'm to exhausted to fight right now.

"Derek Morgan and his stupid team found us." He hisses. My eyes widen as I suddenly feel less exhausted. 

I become more aware of my surroundings too. 

I notice that as we enter upstairs there is a whole bunch of computers and they are all blinking red. 

That's how he knows my dad and the team found him. He had it so the second Penelope ran his name he got an alert. 

"Isaac can I go to the bathroom before
we leave?" I ask him as my brain starts to think of ideas. 

"How do I know you won't try something?" He asks me. 

"It's been a month Isaac. I think some trust is in order. Besides where am I going to go? I don't think I'll be able to fit out the window anyway." I tell him. He stares at me for a second. 

"Fine. But make it fast and the second you come back out you get tied again." He says and I just roll my eyes. 

Isaac unties my hands and I rub my wrists again and go into the bathroom. 

​​​​​I close the door behind me and I look around for some kind of clue to leave them. 

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask Isaac through the door. 

"Why?" He asks.  

I sigh. "You know if we are going to make this work then I should at least know where we are going." I say as I continue to look around the bathroom. 

"Do you really want to make this work?" Isaac asks me. 

"Yeah. I've had a lot of time to think about it and I've decided that I want to make this work." I tell him and smile when I find toothpaste under the sink. 

"Ok. We're going to my family's farm." Isaac says and I smile. 

~2 minutes later~ 

"Hope come on we need to leave." Isaac says through the door just as I finish. 

I smile again and flush the toilet. 

I open the door and smile at him. 

"We should leave Derek Morgan and his team a video of you saying you want to stay with me." Isaac says as he ties my hands behind my back again. 

"Is this necessary?" I ask him referring to my hands. 

"Yes. I have to be sure I can trust you." He says and I roll my eyes. 

"Ok lets leave a video for them but you should untie my hands again so they don't worry about me." I say. 

Isaac looks hesitant but he unties my hands again. 

We quickly record the video. 

Please one of you figure out what I did.

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