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Hope POV

~3 weeks later~ 

These past three weeks have been good. 

My dad and I have gotten really close. I just can't bring myself to talk about my mom. Also my dad was really happy when he found out that I wanted to change my last name to his. 

I've gotten close to the team too. I'm closet with Spencer though. 

I go on cases with them sometimes or I'll stay with Garcia. 

Anyway right now I'm sitting in a police station in Chicago. 

My dad and I came to Chicago for my grandmother's birthday, he apparently does it every year, and plus my grandmother and aunt's wanted to meet me. 
But after we had cake and I was getting to know my aunt's better well my dad talked to grandma Detective Gordinski came and arrested my dad. 

I went to the police station after they took my dad and I have been waiting for the rest of the team to get here. 

"You know kid you should go home." Detective Dennison, one of the guys who works with Gordinski, says to me. 

I look up at him and narrow my eyes slightly. 

"Don't call me kid." I tell him as I turn my head away from him. 

Just then the team walks in. 

They spot me and walk over to me.

"How are you doing Hope?" Spencer asks me when they reach me. 

"I'm not the one being accused of something I didn't do." I answer him as I stand up. 

Detective Gordinski comes over to us. 

After he thanks Jason for giving him the profile I speak up before anyone can say anything. 

"You're desperate aren't you? I mean you have three dead boys on your hands. So when Jason gave you a profile you applied it directly to someone you already suspected." I tell him everyone looks at me a little surprised but my anger for this guy has been building up ever since he arrested my dad in front of our family. 

Before anyone can say anything I continue talking. 

"Do you know one of Sherlock Holmes favorite quotes?" I ask him and I answer before anyone can say anything again. 

"One begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts. That's what you are doing I hope you realize that. So when you get proved wrong and the team finds out who really is behind this just know that I am going to be the happiest girl there is. Simply because you are wrong and you will know it and everyone will know it." I hiss at him. 

"Reid, Prentiss take Hope to Morgan's place." Aaron tells them. 

"I'll go with them." Detective Dennison says. 

I look at Aaron and clench my jaw before I turn on my heel and walk out of the police station. 

I start pacing in front of the police station. 

"Hope." Spencer says as he comes over to me. 

Before I can say anything Emily and Detective Dennison walk over to us. 

"You guys go ahead I'm going to take Hope and get something to eat." Spencer says before either one of them can say anything. 

Emily nods her head and they both leave. 

"Let's go get you something to eat and you can tell me what happened back there." Spencer says. 

I nod a little and we get into one of the federal cars and we drive to a little cafe. 

The whole ride is silent and as we pull up to the cafe we both get out and walk in. 

After we eat our food Spencer breaks the silence. 

"So what was that all about Hope?" He asks me. I look up at him. 

"It's just not fair." 

"What's not fair?" 

"It's not fair that my dad, who is clearly innocent, is being accused of something like this. It's not fair that at the age of six my mom was diagnosed with leukemia. It's not fair that I had to grow up and become responsible because of how sick my mom would get. I mean not that I would change taking care of my mom for the world. It's not fair that the douchebag of a boyfriend my mom had took all the money we had so my mom couldn't get the proper treatment. It's not fair that he would hit me because I refused to give him what he wanted. It's not fair that at the age of eight I was taken away from my mom because she was deemed unfit to have a child because she was so sick. It's not fair that for three years I had to sneak out and some times even run away to see my mom. It's not fair that after the state got tried of me always running away they finally decided to give me back to my mom only for me to watch her die two years later. It's not fair that my mom never told my dad about me. It's not fair that I already lost a parent soon after I got them back and now Gordinski is trying to take the one I just meant away from me. I know that it's not about me but it's still not fair." I rant out to him. 

When I realize all I just said I clap a hand over my mouth. Spencer's eyes are wide. 

"Crap. Spencer forget you heard any of that." I beg him. 

"Hope did your mom's boyfriend abuse you?" Spencer asks me. 

I look down at the table. 

"Hope." Spencer says softly. 

"It didn't happen to often." I whisper as I close my eyes and try to keep the tears from everything I just said from falling. 

"Hope are you supposed to be with your dad or are you supposed to be in foster care?" Spencer asks me. 

I close my eyes tighter. 

"They haven't came for me yet so they probably don't know where I am or they just don't care. I'm just happy they haven't put out an Amber Alert." I whisper out. 

I hear the chair move so I know Spencer is getting up. 

"Hope." He says gently. 
I take a deep breath before I look up at him. 

I stand up and wrap my arms around him as I try to keep my tears from falling. 

"Please don't tell anyone. I'll fix it." I whisper to him as he hugs me back. 

Spencer sighs before he answers me. 

"I won't." He says. 

I sniff, proud that I didn't actually cry, and pull away from Spencer. 

"You can't tell anyone Spencer. I haven't even gotten around to telling my dad yet." I tell him. 

"Ok. I won't tell anyone but you have to tell your dad as soon as possible." He tells me and I nod my head. 

"Come let's go." Spencer says before we turn and leave. 

3rd person POV 

As Hope Morgan and Spencer Reid get into the car they were unaware of the person taking pictures of them. 

The whole team was unaware that someone had been watching them since the day Hope got there. 

A/N this is the only chapter that will really go by what happened in the episodes. The rest of the chapter's won't really go by the episodes. Sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm really tried but I wanted to put another chapter up. Please comment what you think. Thanks for reading it so far.

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