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Derek POV

"Why haven't they came and told us if he's awake yet?" Spencer says as he paces around the waiting room.

Before anyone can say anything a nurse walks past the waiting room.

"Excuse me miss!" I yell to her.

She stops and turns to look at me.

"Yes?" She asks as she walks closer to me.

"We were wondering if you could tell us anything about Leonardo Reid?"

She looks down at her clipboard before she looks up.

"He's awake and from what I can see he's doing good."

"Can we see him?" Spencer asks her and she nods.

"Why didn't Hope tell us he woke up?" JJ wonders as we all make our way to Leonardo's room.

"They probably just got caught up talking or something." Garcia says.

When we enter Leonardo's room all of us are confused.

Leonardo is sitting on his bed staring off into space and Hope isn't anywhere in the room.

"Leo? Leo what's wrong?" JJ asks as she walks over to him.

"S-She left...I-I don't even know if we're still friends. Why did she leave?" Leonardo says as he looks at us with tears in his eyes.

"What do you mean she left? Leonardo where is my daughter?" I ask as panic starts to creep into my chest.

"W-We got into a small argument and I-I can't even remember what she said b-but I do know she ran out of here crying. Oh my God I-I made her cry." He rants as tears start to fall from his eyes.

After everyone realizes that Leonardo just said Hope is gone we all immediately set out to look for her.

~10 minutes later~

"She's not in this hospital and she's not answering her phone." I tell everyone as we meet back up in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Morgan take Reid and go check your house. The rest of us will stay here and make sure she doesn't show up and also make sure Leo doesn't have a panic attack or something." Hotch tells us.

I nod before Spencer and I head out to my car.

We quickly reach my house and we rush inside.

"I'll check her room." I tell him before I rush to Hope's room.

Please be in here Hope.

"Morgan! Get in here!" I hear Spencer yell just as I'm about to open her bedroom door.

I turn around and run to where Spencer is. He's standing in the living room holding a piece of paper and he looks pale.

Spencer doesn't say anything as he hands me the paper. I look at him confused before I look down at the paper.

If you're reading this then that means I'm already gone. I didn't want to go but I have to. I can't tell you why or when I'll be back, but I promise you I will be back. I can't tell you why I have to leave because then all of your life's will be in danger. This is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, it's a long the lines of watching my mom die and hurting Leo like I had to. I can't explain what's going on and I'm truly sorry for that. I'm a genius and I know this is a bad idea but I also know that I'll do absolutely anything to protect my family and that's you guys. I'm writing this so you guys know not to come look for me, you won't be able to find me anyway. I know you guys are the best and brightest people I've ever known but I don't want to be found therefore I won't be found. I love all of you so much and I'm really happy I found you guys. Make sure Leo knows I love him and everything I said to him was because I had to, I didn't mean any of it. I'm really sorry for doing this to you guys but I want all of you to go on living your life's, you guys did it before you knew I even existed. Dad I'm really sorry I have to leave like this and I love you so much, you really are the worlds greatest father. I'm really sorry and I love all of you so much. Like I said before I will be back, I don't know when but I will be back. Spence, JJ, Em, Pen, Aaron and Dave I wish I had time to write something to you guys but I don't and I'm sorry for that. I have to go now or else I won't be able to leave at all. Remember I love you all and I'll be back.

The ink is scribbled across the paper meaning she was in a rush and there are a few spots on the paper where you can see got wet, meaning she was crying.

I reread the letter multiple times before I look at Spencer.

My heart sinks further down into my stomach when I notice he's holding Hope's phone.

"She wiped her phone. There's nothing on it." He says softly and I feel like my whole world is falling apart.

My daughter is gone and I know that we won't be able to find her.

I sink down onto the couch and put my head in my hands.

Why would she do this?

How will I know if she's safe?

What if she gets hurt?

Why couldn't she tell us what's going on?

How long will she be gone?

Why is this happening?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Spencer sitting down next to me.

"I called Hotch. I sent him a picture of the letter and told him about the phone." He says softly.

I didn't even know he was doing that.

"She'll come back. She has to she's everyone's hope." Spencer tells me.

I realize that he's right. Hope is all of ours hope, she gives us all hope.

That night I didn't get much sleep. I went into Hope's room and found that all of her money was gone.

Leonardo took the news badly, he wanted to leave the hospital to go look for her.

All of us agreed that even though we probably won't find her we'll still look as we work on other cases.

All of us can feel the hole that Hope created when she left. It was kind of there when she got taken from us and was in New York but it was different because we knew where she was and we were talking to her. Now it's just this emptiness there and all of us can feel it.

Come back to us Hope, we need you.

A/N Sorry for the long wait and how bad this chapter is.

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