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Hope POV 

~3 days later~ 

I've been in the hospital for three days now and I hate it. I hate hospitals. 

"Hey Hope." Spencer says as he walks in the room. 

"I hate hospitals Spence. When can I leave?" I say to him. 

"Hopefully soon." He tells me with a smile. 

"Where is everyone else?" I ask him. 

"Your dad and Gracia are on their way here now. Hotch has to pick Emily up then they are coming here. Rossi is on his way here now and JJ is grabbing a coffee from the cafeteria because I didn't stop for coffee this morning then she'll be up here." He explains to me. 

I nod my head. "Hey Spence can I ask you a serious question?" I ask him after a moment of silence. 

"Of course you can Hope." He says as he takes a seat next to me. 

"Are you in love with JJ?" I ask him. He looks shocked at my words but he quickly covers it up. 

"W-What? Or course not." He says as a blush comes to his cheeks. 

I roll my eyes and just as I open my mouth to say something to him JJ, my dad, Penelope, and David walk into the room. 

"Hey." They all say with a smile. I smile back at them. 

"Hey guys." I say. 

"How are you feeling?" My dad asks me as he walks over to me. I laugh a little at him. 

"Like I've been telling you for the past three days, I feel perfectly fine. In fact I feel so good I could go home right now." I tell him with a smile as he gives me a quick hug. 

Now it's his turn to laugh a little at me. 

"And like I've told you for the past three days, you can go home when the doctors say you can." He tells me with a smile. 

Before anything else is said Aaron and Emily walk in. 

The next thirty minutes are spent with everyone talking and laughing and it's in that thirty minutes that I come to my conclusion. 

"Hey guys I have something to tell you guys." I say getting everyone's attention. 

"What do you have to tell us Hope?" JJ asks me. I smile at them all. 

"So you guys know how I study and watch people." I say and they all nod their heads. 

"Well I've been doing that to all of you. And I've come to a conclusion." 

"What's you conclusion?" David asks me. 

"My conclusion is that JJ and Spence need to get together because they are clearly in love with each other-" as I say this they both blush and look down.
"And Aaron and Emily are the same way-" again both people mentioned look down and blush. "And all of you are a family. You all watch out and care for each other. I noticed this shortly after I arrived but now I can see how much you all mean to each other. It's incredible and I am so happy I am now apart of that." I tell them with a huge smile. They all smile back at me before all the girls attack me in a hug. I hug them back. 

"We love you Hope." They say in unison. "I love you guys too." I tell them before they let go of me. 

Once they all step away from me all the guys gather me in a group hug. I hug them back as best as I can. 

"We love you too Hope." They say in unison. "I love you guys as well." I say before they let go of me and step back. 

"I think I speak for all of us when I say you walking into the FBI building has changed all of our life's for the better." Aaron says as he smiles at me and I smile back. 

We spend the rest of the day talking and laughing.

This is my new family and I laugh each and every one of them.

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