Chapter 28

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Picture of Kayla

I walked through the school doors with my arms hooked around one of Jake's.

I decided to go to school today because I got pretty bored yesterday, and I didn't want to get behind in my classes. Jake tried to get me to stay home and rest but I refused.

It sure did take a lot of makeup to cover up all the bruises though.

Today is the day I plan on explaining to John why I am staying at his house, and I'm pretty nervous. I have no idea how he will react, I just hope I can get him to somewhat like me.

Jake had to stay with me again last night after I had woken him up three times, but he doesn't complain about my nightmares, he just holds me until I calm down.

My outfit consists of Jakes red lifeguard hoodie and some black skinny jeans paired with my black vans. Simple, comfy, covers my bruises, and it smells like Jake.

I waved bye to Cole and Jake, then walked to my locker.

Maddie came bouncing towards me with a smile on her face.

"Hey Arianna, how are you doing"

"I've been better" I sighed.

"Yeah me too" she frowned. Then she looked at me and her face lit up "But, guess what"


"You and I are going shopping after school"

"For what? And I can't today but I can tomorrow"

"Dresses for the winter formal silly"

Oh right, I totally forgot, Christmas is coming up.

"Wait what do you have going on today" she asked, probably wondering when I got a life.

Haha jokes, I still don't have a life.

"I'm making dinner for Jake's dad and brother so I can explain what's going on" I sighed.

"Oh. Well we will go tomorrow after school, okay?"

"Fine" I really am not a huge fan of dress shopping.

"Alright I'll see you at lunch" Maddie says hugging me. "You smell different" she pulled away looking me up and down. "Is that Jake's hoodie"

"Maybe" I blushed.

She smirked "cute, good luck with the dinner tonight" she said turning around and speed walking to her next class.

"Thanks! See you later Mads" I shouted at her retreating figure, shutting my locker, just as the late bell rings.

Great. I look around the hall to see its empty besides a familiar looking girl who looks lost.

"Hey, you need help" I asked walking up to her. She turned around smiling at me, her strawberry blonde locks dancing around her shoulders "Kayla"

"Oh hey" she beamed at me.

"What are you doing here" I blinked in shock.

"I just moved here. Yesterday was my first day and I'm still having trouble finding my classes"

"I can help, can I see your schedule"

"I never got your name" she says handing me her schedule.

"Oh yeah, I'm Arianna. And it looks like we only have homeroom together"

"Okay then let's get to class, sorry if I made you late"

"No I was already late, come on"


I was walking to my locker for lunch when I was suddenly pushed to the ground. I yelped as I smacked the floor hard, hitting my bruises.

"What the hell was that for" I screeched looking up to see Ella.

"That's, for trying to steal my man" she hissed.

"I don't know what your talking about"

Ella bent down grabbing a handful of my hoodie and looking me dead in the eyes. "You know exactly what I'm talking about you little slut. Leave Jake alone" she froze sniffing the air around me. "Is this Jake's hoodie" she screeched

I gulped as she got even more in my face.

"Leave him the fuck alone you worthless bitch"

"Aye, back off" I look over my shoulder to see Cole standing there with his Jaw clenched.

"And what are you going to do if I don't" Ella said still gripping my- Jake's hoodie.

"Just leave her alone" Cole spit out.

"Get out of here, you're just a sophomore" she scoffed.

Oh. Hell. No.

There is no way you're talking to him like that and getting away with it. Before I could stop myself I socked Ella right in the nose.

She flew backwards letting go of the hoodie and grabbing her nose instead.

"You bitch" she squealed holding her now bloody nose.

"Talk to Cole like that again, I dare you" I glared at Ella as I stood up dusting off my pants.

Cole walked up to me smirking. "Thanks Ree" He said holding up his hand.

I smiled and high-fived him, looking around the hallway. There is a bunch of kids circling Ella who is freaking out about how I messed up her oh so beautiful nose. It's probably fake anyway.

My gaze stopped on someone and my smile dropped.

Principal Henrikson was stood at the end of the hall, and he looked pissed to say the least.


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