Chapter 33

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It took me about five minutes to calm down and to realize blondie had ran off. I'm still sat against the wall with my head between my knees. Maddie and Kayla are sat on both sides of me rubbing my arms soothingly.


I picked my head up to see Jake jogging towards me. I quickly got up, standing on my shaking knees, still suffering from the aftershocks of my panic attack. I started walking towards him, my knees almost buckling underneath my weight.

When Jake reached me he wrapped his arms around my back gently. I got on my tippy toes and wrapped mine around his neck laying my head on his chest and listening to his heart race. He knows that I don't want to talk about it, and that I just need comfort. I love how understanding he is, who knew the bad boy had a soft side? Cause I sure as hell didn't.

"This the boyfriend"

I tensed at the sound of his voice.

Jake and I pulled apart. I looked behind Jake to see blondie standing there, crossing his arms over his chest. He stood a couple inches taller than Jake, smirking down at me. I gulped and took a step away.

Jake turned around to face him, his Jaw and fists clenched and his eyes hardened. "Yeah, I am. And for your sake, I hope you're not the dick head that hurt her"

Wait did he just say he's my boyfriend. Huh, has a nice ring to it.

Arianna's boyfriend.

Blondie's smirk hadn't faded, in fact it only grew. "She's not a very good kisser, probably even worse in bed. But hey its still worth a shot right man?"

That's all it took to send Jake's fist flying towards blondie's face, hitting him in the jaw.

I took a few more steps back, eyes wide with shock as the scene in front of me unfolded.

Blondie threw a punch back, hitting Jake in the eye, Jake throws one back at his face only to be blocked and punched in the jaw.

Jake throws a punch that connects with blondie's gut and sends him to the ground, but Jake doesn't stop there. Jake is now on top of blondie throwing Punches left and right. Blondie blocks a couple and is able to hit Jake a few more times. Then, somehow Jake is flipped over and blondie ends up on top of Jake. Blondie Punches Jake in the side of the head, hard.

I didn't realize what I was doing until my head flew to the left and my cheek started stinging. Everyone froze, even the fight stopped for a few seconds. Everyone is looking at me, eyes wide with shock. Except blondie, he has the same smirk playing on his cut lips. I had ran up to them in attempt to push blondie off Jake. Tears pooled in my eyes as I realized blondie had slapped me. I put my hand on my burning cheek and stumbled back before tripping over my feet and falling to the ground.  When I fell it must have snapped everyone out of their shocked state because suddenly Jake is on blondie punching him in the jaw multiple times.

"Don't.... ever.... fucking.... touch.... her.... again" Jake hissed through his teeth between Punches.

Jake Punches him once more and a Crack echos my ears.

Oh God.

Suddenly Jake is pulled off of blondie by two mall security guards.

I stared down at the squirming mess on the floor. Blood is pouring out of an unconscious blondie's head and his left eye is swollen shut. His nose looks pretty broken and there are bruises running across his face.

My eyes traveled across the floor landing on Jake's feet. They wonder up to his face and my heart drops. His nose is also bloody, but luckily, it doesn't look broken. He has a cut on his upper lip and bruises lining his jaw. His knuckles are all bruised and bloody. His eyes are glaring at the unconscious body lying on the floor

I force myself to move from the spot I was frozen to and rush to Jake, who is still being held back by the security guards.

"Jake, what the hell? You didn't need to do that"

He didn't respond. Instead he continued to glare at blondie.


Still no answer.

"Hello, earth to Jake" I said waving my hands in front of his face, but he still didn't answer.

"Ma'am, you're going to have to get him out of here" the taller security guard said. I glanced at his name tag reading Josh. He is a little bit taller than Jake and much more muscular. Like, unattractive kind of muscular.

They released Jake, practically throwing him at me. I crashed into his chest and flew backwards landing on my ass.

Apparently that's what it took to snap him out of his death glare because when I looked up he was staring down at me with wide eyes.

"Sorry, sorry" He outstretched his hand towards me.

I gratefully took it and he pulled me to my feet.

"Alright out you go" Josh pushed us towards the exit.

I hissed when his hand grazed the cut on my arm.

"Hey watch it"

He ignored me and continued to push us, his thumb digging into the slice.

"Ow. Get your paws of me"


"Um, hello? You're hurting me"


Tears stung my eyes when a sharp pain ripped through my arm, telling me the wound was reopened.

"Get off" I screamed attempting to push hid hand off me.

Of course it didn't work and he continued to ignore me.

"Dude get you're hands off, you're hurting her" Jake growled pushing him off.

Jake gently wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled me out of the mall. I Definitely won't be going back there anytime soon.


Hey everyone, I'm alive!! I know it's been a while since I updated and I'm sorry:( but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me whacha think:))

~ Khloe♡♡

The Bad Boy Saved MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora