Chapter 41

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I burst through the door to Jake's room and jump on his bed, ready to go through the process of waking this boy up.

"Merry Christmas Jake"

"Jake wake up"


I grip his shoulders and shake his body until his eyes flutter open.

He groans and blinks his eyes multiple times while searching his room. His gaze finally settles on me and his lips curl up into a grin.

"Merry Christmas Jake" I grinned as well and climbed off his bed.

"Yeah Yeah"

I frowned and gave him the scariest glare I could manage. "What? You too cool to say merry Christmas or something?"

He shrugged.

"Say it"

"Don't ma-"

"Say it or no lasagna"

He let out an annoyed breath. "Merry. Christmas"

I smiled and skipped to the door. "I made eggs and bacon wake up your dad I'll get Cole then meet downstairs"

Jake hopped out of bed as soon as he heard the word bacon come out of my mouth. I skipped over to Cole's room swinging the door open and screaming "Merry effin' Christmas"

Cole literally fell out of his bed when he heard my voice. He landed with a thump and scrambled back to his feet.

"What the hell was that for?"

"It's Christmas Cole" I turned around and walked back out the door. "I made breakfast so come downstairs" I shouted from the hallway.


After we all ate breakfast, Cole went out with friends and John, well I have no idea where he is but he left as well. I guess they aren't big on Christmas. Anyway it's just Jake and I now. We are in the living room watching how the grinch stole Christmas. It's always been a must on Christmas for me. Jake insisted we watch something other than a child's movie but I gave him the silent treatment until he gave in. Which only took about thirty seconds of ignoring him.

When the movie ends Jake looked at me from the opposite end of the couch and smirks evilly.


"I think we should watch a horror movie"

"Ummm, it's Christmas not Halloween. Plus I already have enough nightmares" I scowled.

His smirk dropped and he pouted. "Fine" He huffed. "Hey I have something for you"

We both agreed to not get each other anything so I don't know what he could possibly have up his sleeve. "What"

He pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to me with a close-lipped grin.

I hesitantly took it and stared at him quizzically. When I finally tore my gaze off his teddy bear eyes I noticed the piece of paper was a brochure for some kind of cabin resort in Florida.

"What is this"

"It's the resort we are going to"

I stared at him shocked. "Wait what"

He rolled his eyes. "You, me, the guys, Maddie and Kayla. It'll be fun"

I jumped up in excitement and literally threw myself at him. "Thank you thank you thank you" I squealed. "When are we going" I stared at him in pure happiness.

"Spring break"

"Wait. But this place looks like, really expensive"

He shrugged "It's a Christmas present"

"But we agreed we wouldn't get each other anything"

"You should know by now I'm not the greatest listener"

"True" I jumped off him and did a little happy dance in the middle of the living room. "Your the best"

"Tell me something I don't know" He teased.


For dinner that night I made lasagna for everyone, except Jake was the only one there to eat it. I guess the Prince's aren't really big on eating dinner together. I learned that a while ago though. Jake told me they stopped having family dinners when his mom left. I'm trying my best to bring the three of them back together but it isn't working out so well.

I don't want them to grow apart because I know it will kill them later on. I know what it feels like to be alone. And I don't want any of them to have to face anything without knowing their family will have their back. Even if they are a broken family.

For some reason Cole has been out a lot more than usual and as soon as he gets home he's in his room and doesn't come out. He does occasionally come down to grab food but he keeps his head down and rushes back to his room.

Suddenly the front door is slammed shut and Cole appears in the kitchen with his hoodie pulled over his head hiding his face.

"Hey Cole" I got up from my seat at the dinning room table. "Um, I made lasagna. Do you want any"

"I'm good" He mumbled and grabbed an apple ready to head to his room.

"Cole?" He stopped in his tracks but kept his back to me. "Are you okay"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be"

"Well, you just seem, I don't know, not yourself"

Still not facing me he growled "I'm fine"

"Are you sure cause if not I'm-"

"I said. I'm. Fine." He growled once again, but this time he raised his voice a bit.

Apparently I should have taken a hint because when I continue to question him, he blows.

"Alright just know that you can always tal-"

"God damnit Arianna I said I'm fine" He yelled this time and swung around slamming his fist on the wall.

I gasped and flinched away from him, falling back in my chair. I stared at him with wide eyes and my mouth parted slightly. Shock and fear is the emotions running through my body causing my hands to tremble.

"What the hell was that for Cole" Jake pushed himself out of his chair, glaring at Cole.

Cole's hood fell when he looked at Jake, guilt clouding his green eyes. I scanned his face, taking in the dark bruise lining his jaw and the cut on his bruised cheek. I sucked in a sharp breath.

"I'm sorry Ree" He let his head fall in shame.

"Oh my God" I quickly rushed to Cole's side and gently ran my fingers across his jaw. "What happened"


Oh boy what's Cole gotten himself into? Any guesses as to what happened??

If you guys haven't already, please check out my new book 'what is love?' I'm really excited for it and I already have the first three chapters up!!

If you like this book please vote, comment, and share! It really helps me out:)

      ~ Khloe xXxX

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