Chapter 37

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It's been a week since I started taking those pills. And they work, they keep me awake at night. I've been having a hard time staying awake in school but, I just need more time to adjust to the new routine right? Anyway, Jake still hasn't talked to me and he always goes out of his way to ignore me. But whenever he does run into me he always gives me weird looks, like he's confused or something. Also he has been going to the gym more than usual lately, so that gives me more time to sleep. But I'm still only getting a few hours a day. Whatever I'll get used to it eventually.

So today is Friday and I'm going to try and talk to Jake. I know he's still mad but, he has obviously been getting more sleep because the dark circles under his eyes are gone, which makes me feel a lot better about this whole staying awake at night situation.

The past week has been awful, but I plaster on this fake smile to keep everyone from worrying. Maddie and Kayla have been giving me weird looks and Maddie called me the other night freaking out about how she thinks I'm hiding something from her. Which is true, but I brushed it off and started talking about her and Ryder's two month anniversary coming up right after Christmas.

Dylan is a whole different story. When I pass him in the halls i can feel him staring right through me, he's in a couple of my classes and he's staring at me the whole time, even at lunch he has his eyes on me from across the cafeteria. It's getting insanely Creepy and I can tell he's getting suspicious, which worries me.

The way he presses his lips together in a thin line and furrows his eyebrows whenever I wonder off in my thoughts gets me worried he's able to see all my secrets. And the things he said to me the other day still echo in my head, reminding me that the mysterious blue eyed boy is still chasing after my thoughts.

I can see right through that pretty little smile.

What does that even mean?

School just got out like an hour ago and Jake went straight to the gym so it's time for my two hour nap. Can you even call it a nap if it's the only sleeping you do? I don't know, but when Jake gets back I'm going to try and talk to him so I better rest up.


I didn't exactly get the two hours I wanted, I woke up from my third nightmare 45 minutes ago and I haven't been able to fall back asleep. But Jake just got home so it's time to sort things out. Or at least try.

After fixing my makeup and throwing my hair in a messy bun on top of my head, I find myself standing in front of Jake's bedroom door barely able to keep my eyes open. But it's now or never, I lift my fist up, take a deep breath, and knock on the door three times.

I heard shuffling from the other side of the door and a few seconds later it swings open revealing a Greek God. Jake was stood there shirtless, with grey jogging bottoms hung loosely on his hips. My eyes travel down his tan body tracing his biceps, then his abs, then his v-line... oh my God I'm staring.

I quickly snap myself out of the trance I was in and focus on his face, which is showcasing his trademark smirk.

"I uhm- could I- can we t-talk"

God I'm an idiot.

He shrugged and went to sit on his bed, leaving the door open. I stood there like an idiot gawking at his back muscles, watching carefully as they flexed at every step. Finally he reached his bed and sat down facing me.

"You can come in"

I hesitantly walked in and stood in front of his bed playing with my hands. We stayed there in awkward silence before I decided to speak up-

"I just wanted to apologize again, for making your life so difficult. I started looking for a job, so I can get my own place ya know? But um, I figured out how to stop the nightmares." Lie "So I don't wake you up in the middle of the night. But yeah I'm sorry"

He just sat there and stared at me quizzically as I continued to play with my hands. "How did you stop your nightmares"

I shrugged. "It just happened"

"They don't just stop Arianna"

I stayed quiet for a second thinking of an answer. "...I did some research on how to stop them and a bunch of exercises came up so I tried a few and I guess they've been helping" more lies. I actually have done that kind of research before, but none of it ever helped.

"So if they stopped, why do you look so tired? Shouldn't you be getting more sleep?"

What? I thought I fixed that with makeup.

"I'm not tired"

"Arianna you're lying to me"

"No I-" out of nowhere a wave of dizziness washes over me. I closed my eyes and swayed back and forth, stumbling back a few steps before regaining my balance.

"What was that?" Jake's voice is laced with concern.

"Nothing I jus-" it happened again, except way worse.

"Maybe you should sit down"

I moved to go sit down but as soon as I took a step forward my knees wobbled and my body went tumbling to the ground. I collapsed on my back and I could feel myself rolling in and out of consciousness. Jake is hovering over me asking me a series of questions I left unanswered.

"I'm okay I just need-"

"What the fuck? You just collapsed and you're trying to tell me you're okay"

"Yeah- I jus-" I stopped talking and closed my eyes, allowing complete darkness to swallow me.


I groaned and carefully opened my eyes stretching my arms above my head as I peered around the dark room. Jake's scent flows into my nostrils telling me I'm in his room. I curly fingers around the comforter that's laying on top of me and pull it tightly against my chest trying to figure out how I got here. I notice the dark shadow of a person sitting at the edge of the bed holding their head in their hands and breathing heavily. As my eyes adjust to the dark I realize it's Jake.

I continued to look around the room realizing it's pitch black outside and the only thing lighting up the room is a small dim lit lamp on Jake's desk in the corner of his room. My eyes widen when I see a hole punched into the wall next to his desk.

"Jake" I croak.

He looks at me with disappointment clouding his eyes.

"What happened" I asked.

He sighed looking away from me. "You fainted"

"How long was I out for"

"Almost six hours, I debated on taking you to the hospital"

"Well what happened to the wall"

"...Arianna, your nightmares didn't go away did they?"

"What do you mean? I told you I figured out how to stop them"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He pulled something out of his pocket, studying it for a second before facing it towards me.


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