Chapter 4 "Prison"

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I flutter my eyes open stretching my arms out squinting my eyes from the brightness that's coming from behind the white curtains. I sit on the bed rubbing my eyes to fully wake up. I scan the room jumbled by my surroundings. Then just like a light switch all of last nights events strike my mind making me tremble once again from fear.

I somehow thought that it was all just a nightmare, but sadly it's not it was all real. Abruptly getting off of the bed, I run towards the door twisting the door knob trying to open it, but it's locked. Panic sets in and I start to shout out my lungs calling out for help, while banging the door with all of my force. The door suddenly opens making me fall forward slamming against a strong muscular tan chest. I pull away, my eyes slowly scanning up until they lock with his chocolate brown eyes.

I gulp down the lump that's stuck in the back of my throat knowing what I must do next. I push Leo back with my hands with all my force causing him to step back a bit and that's when I sprint down the hallway as fast as I can heading toward the stairs. Half way down the stairs, I feel Leo's grip on my shirt causing me to look back to swat his hand of off me which I successfully did, but unfortunately it caused me to lose my balance and tumble down the stairs until I hit the tile floor.

"Fuck," I wince in pain slowly trying to get up from the floor to exit the door. But before I could even get up. Leo grabs me by the hair making me stand up on my feet. I screech in pain from how he's pulling onto my long black hair.

"Leo, why are you doing this to me?," I hiss.

"I can't let you go. You witnessed me murdering someone," Leo responds.

"I won't say anything to anyone I swear."

"I trust no one," Leo chuckles still clutching firmly onto my hair.

"You knew I was in the limo Leo! Why the fuck did you put me in this situation?," I mutter feeling nothing, but rage for Leo. Leo doesn't say a thing instead he just pulls me by the hair making me follow him upstairs and into the room I was locked in a few minutes ago. I screech in pain the entire time, but Leo doesn't care about the pain he's causing me. Once we step inside the room, he pushes me down letting go of my hair. I fall down to the ground rubbing my scalp from the throbbing pain I'm currently feeling.

"Answer me," I grumble standing up from the carpet.

"It's not my obligation to answer you," Leo let's out an evil chuckle.

"Why are you acting like this Leo? This is not the man I met," I sniffle not being able to hold back my tears anymore.

"Acting? This is who I am. It's not my fault you easily gave in to me, but yet again every bitch falls for me," Leo coldly responds letting out a laugh.

As much as I don't want to admit it. He's right, what kind of a girl gives into a stranger so easily? I'll tell you who... a whore. I caused this all to myself. How did I let myself do this? It was just something about Leo Castillo that made him so Irresistible. I forgot about all my standards and morals.

"I fucking hate you. I regret ever meeting you and most importantly losing my virginity to you," I roar feeling so angry at myself for stooping so low. Leo's eyes turns three shades darker looking almost black with no emotion in his eyes besides anger. He steps forward raising his hand high to the side slapping me across the face with the back of his hand.

I tumble helplessly to the ground tears sliding down my cheeks. My cheek stinging from the hard slap he just gave me. Leo turns his heel walking towards the door, but before he shuts the door. He turns around glaring at me, "you will never escape from here, so get used to it," Leo bluntly says averting away closing the door shut locking it from outside.

I break down screeching in pain and frustration. The thought of never leaving this prison terrifies me. Yesterday, I was free out in the world and today my freedom has completely been taken away from me by a murderer being held against my will away from the world I once knew. If I thought I had a shitty life before. My life has completely taken a dark turn.

Leo's pov

"Why did you bring her here last night knowing what we're involved in?" Rios asks as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"I didn't know you brought that trader here."

"I always bring our business here Leo," Rios raises a brow.

"Enough with the god damn questions Rios,"I scold feeling annoyed. Rios stays quiet cuffing his chin as he looks at me observingly almost like he's studying me. Rios is my right hand man, so if anyone knows me, it's him.

"So what are you thinking of doing with her?"

"Not sure, but for now she'll be locked in her room," I bluntly respond lighting up my cigarette.

"Her room?," Rios raises a brow.

"Let me out!," Madison's voice echoes throughout the mansion. "Someone please help me!"

Rios turns around looking up towards the stairs hearing Madison shout while banging on the door.

"Ignore her," I casually say taking a puff of the cigarette.

"I'm surprised you haven't killed her yet to be honest," Rios says as he glares at me.

"Enough about her. Go get the damn order," I order Rios ignoring his comment.

"Please let me out!," Madison shouts kicking the door. A chuckle escapes my lips as I hear her cry out for help. If only she knew no one will ever hear her, so all that crying and whining is all a waste.

I inhale the smoke from the cigarette letting halos out from my mouth, as I feel my body relax and my spirit drift off somewhere into the unknown.

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