Chapter 48 "Collect"

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No matter how hard I try to answer. I'm unable to do so. So many things flow in my head not knowing how to answer him. It's not like I've ever prepared myself for this day. Leo stands firmly in front of me. Cold, fiery, distant eyes strictly on me making chills strike my body. The same look from when he used to beat and mistreat me. A lot has changed, I can tell by his body looking thinner from the last time I saw him, dark stubble hairs on his jawline and chin that he didn't have before, and something about him has changed as well.

"Fucking answer me," Leo scolds clenching his fists.

I flinch from his loud frightening voice tone. Memories from our past rushes into my mind remembering how afraid I used to be of Leo Castillo. However, it took so long for us to get to where we used to be before I escaped and now I'm afraid we're back to step one. Seeing his angry expression and the absolute coldness in his chocolate brown eyes is enough to have me shivering fearing for my life.

Leo can actually hurt me.

"I-I'm sorry," I mumble.

Leo stays quiet glaring at me with such hatred almost as if he's planning on many ways to slaughter me. Then suddenly, his eyes scroll down to my stomach then up at me again. As this occurs, I realize how much of an affect he has over me still. Even after all of this time. Leo Castillo has such power over my entire being.

"That's not answering my question," Leo grumbles crossing his arms across his chest.

"I had to do it for myself and most importantly my son," I briefly respond deciding to get to the point instead of pissing him off. That's definitely the last thing I want to do.

"Do what? Go behind my back and steal from me? Oh and let's not forget how you betrayed me after everything I did for you," Leo sternly says circling me as if he was a hawk eyeballing his prey.

"I couldn't let my son be born into your fucked up world. I won't allow it. He's innocent," I grit my teeth.

"He's my son too. My heir, he's meant for this so called fucked up world you speak of," Leo scolds.

"No, I won't allow it over my-"

"Indeed over your dead body Mrs. Castillo. Hah, let me guess you must of forgotten you're still married to me due to whoring around with another fucking man while carrying my child," Leo spat gritting his teeth.

"I'm no whore," I retort.

"From what I've seen you are," he scoffs looking so distant from me, which I must admit hurts so much. Then it suddenly hits me like lightning. Those creepy texts weren't never from a prankster it was Leo all along.

"It was you wasn't it? Those texts you've been watching-," I mumble before Leo decides to cut me off.

"How could you kiss hi-," Leo cuts himself off averting his eyes away from me and down to the floor clenching his jaw before continuing on, "Mother was right. All women are whores now I understand. You will pay for what you've done. Such a mistake to think you could outrun me taking my son away."

"Anything for the safety of my son," I bluntly say glaring at him. A knock is heard from behind Leo as the door starts to creak open revealing ocean blue eyes. I'd never thought I would encounter ever again.

"Boss," Rossi says raising a brow at me. Her red bouncy curls following her every movement.

"Boss?," I breathe confusedly glancing between her and Leo who's casually staring at me.

"I knew you were trouble since the moment I laid eyes on your orphan ass," she grumbles standing next to Leo in a way that rubs me the wrong way. As much as I try to brush it off, I can't. It's really bugging me seeing her so close to him.

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