Chapter 31 "Italy surprise"

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It's six in the morning and here I am admiring Leo as he peacefully sleeps, his mouth partly opened. I'm sitting on the couch across the bed he's currently laying on. I can't help, but want to slap myself across the face for spilling out those three words that aren't suppose to be horrible whatsoever. However, in my case it's tragically horrible. How can I love someone like him after everything that has happened between us?

Sure, he's been great lately, but that still doesn't change what he is or all of the bad things he's done to me. I knew I had a strong unexplainable attraction for him, but never did I think I would love this man.
Explains all of my stupidity though. But that's not what's eating me in pure embarrassment right now shockingly. It's the fact that I said it first.

Last night, after I breathed those words out, Leo looked shocked completely taken back by what I threw at him. What ached my heart a little was the fact that he dismissed it not that I expected for him to say it back of course. I just didn't expect to get ignored either. However that's exactly what happened as Leo rolled on to the side of the bed crashing out instantly leaving me drowning in my own thoughts. I hated myself for saying it, but I can't entirely blame myself since the orgasm completely possessed me and crap slipped out of my mouth from the maximum pleasure I experienced.

It's all Leo's fault for making me orgasm like never before. What was said I can't take back no matter how much I wish I could. As I scold myself, a light bulb lights up inside of my head. Maybe it wasn't such a complete mistake. This can very well make him trust me using it to my full advantage for when the day comes, the day I'm anxiously awaiting for.

"Madison," Leo hoarsely mumbles rubbing his half sleepy eyes to fully awake. Instantly, I snap out of my thoughts peering directly at him still embarrassed from last night.

"G-good morning," I mumble awkwardly.

"Why are you sitting over there?," Leo creases his dark brows at me fully awake now.

"Morning sickness," I hastily lie.

The perks of being pregnant is that I can lie about mostly everything.

"It'll pass... get ready we're going out for breakfast then adventuring Italy," he says getting off of the bed and straight into the shower. I grunt to myself rolling my eyes for even having the slightest hope that he would actually acknowledge what happened last night, but as usual, I'm wrong.


Leo's pov

The moment I rolled onto the side of the bed not saying a word after Madison spoke about her inner feelings for me after I gave her one hell of an orgasm, I knew I fucked up. Hearing her say those three words I'm suppose to be immune to made my heart hot and cold at the same damn time. I guess if I'm going to be honest here, I felt terrified. Terrified from the fact that this perfection of a woman can actually love me, a monster. Madison is everything that's beautiful and pure in this sick world we live in today. Especially from my world of pain, blood, and darkness.

Who am I kidding why am I so shocked? I practically kidnapped her to have her, held her against her will then I got her pregnant with my first child, and ultimately practically forced her to marry me. What did I expect? For her to not feel shit? For her to be stuck with me without any emotions? I will fully admit, I'm completely stunned never did I think she would actually love me after all the bullshit I've put her through.

Is this a good thing? It should be, I feel happy that she loves me. It's not like I want her to love someone else who isn't me if she did, I'd kill them. Madison is mine and only mine. So why the fuck did I not say shit in return? I clearly feel something strong for her than just a like. What am I so scared of?

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