Chapter 44 "Tonight"

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"You're ready to pop any day now aren't you little fella?," Katherine baby talks while rubbing my swollen stomach.

"You should go rest Kat. I can close today if you want," I suggest stepping back to wash dirty cups and plates.

"Oh no, I can't do such thing. You're heavily pregnant. You're the one that needs rest child," she smiles softly pushing me to the side taking over the dirty dishes.

I glance towards the glass door seeing it's dark and about to rain. The last thing I want is to be caught in the rain again, so I take the offer Katherine has proposed. After clocking out, I grab my belongings and out the door I was on my way home. My daily routine.

Beep Beep

I turn my head towards my right side seeing those lovely hazel eyes belonging to Santana who's waving at me in his SUV. A smile forms on my lips as I start making my way towards him. I have no idea what I am doing nor allowing to develop between Santana and I, but it's nice having some type of support in New York.

"Are you hungry?," Santana asks driving towards my location.

"I'm always hungry. What kind of question is that?," I chuckle rubbing my stomach feeling my baby move inside of me.

"Let's get you home, so you can get ready for dinner tonight," Santana smirks stepping on the gas pedal. I nod turning my head towards the window seeing a couple taking a picture while the man places his hand on the woman's pregnant stomach. An uncontrollable frown forms on my face averting my focus elsewhere.


"You're absolutely beautiful," Santana breathes his hazel eyes glued to my appearance as I step out of my apartment. I smile feeling my cheeks blush from his intense gaze on me. I haven't had anyone since Leo look at me in such a way until now. Sometimes, I question myself how Santana can even find me attractive in the state I am currently. After all, I am carrying someone else's baby.

"Thanks," I smile.

"Do you mind if I take a picture of my lovely date?," he asks shyly. I take a moment to think about his request not knowing whether to approve it or not. After a good minute of thinking about no harm coming from it. I decided to shake my head. He takes his cell phone out as I position myself sitting up straight in the seat posing towards his direction.

 He takes his cell phone out as I position myself sitting up straight in the seat posing towards his direction

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Once the camera flashes, I lean over seeing my picture. "Wow," he says completely amazed. I don't say a word only observing Santana.

"Let's go and stuff our faces," he briefly says, a genuine smile appearing on his face. I giggle feeling my stomach start grumbling from the sudden crave for food.

"So tell me about the father of your baby? You hardly talk about him to anyone," Santana utters. We are currently on our way to a fancy restaurant Santana swears is the best Italian food in the world. I let out a huff disliking this topic I really don't want to talk about.

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