Chapter 36 "Heir?"

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A few days has passed by and things between Leo and I are pretty good. We haven't had any arguments and he's kept his word about me going out where I please besides downtown, which is where I used to live. I have no idea if I'm still being searched for or not since it's been months since I've gone missing and the one person that cared about me in this world is now gone, so I have no idea if I'm even a priority anymore for police.

Probably not.

"Are you ready for your appointment today?," Luna claps her hands excitedly. Today I'm a bit over five months. Leo has been so persistent about finding out the baby's gender since I became pregnant and today is the day. We should find out the gender.

"Yeah even though I feel so bloated right now," I let out a breathe barely finishing my lunch.

"You just ate duh. I think you look adorable," Luna grins.

"Madison it's time to go," Leo announces stepping inside the kitchen grabbing my purse he bought me this past weekend when we went to Mexico for a quick business trip.

"See you later," I smile standing up from the chair following behind Leo ready to see my baby.


"Que bonita te miras especialmente con tu pansita," Doctor Rosa says smiling at my belly as Leo and I walk into the room.

"What?," I crease my brows together not at all understanding what the heck just came out of her red lips.

"She said, you look beautiful especially with your tummy," Leo responds helping me sit on the bed. My stomach is now very noticeable. I swear it's weird how pregnancy works. One day you're skinny and the next your belly grows over night.

"Thank you Rosa," I smile.

"This baby is going to be gorgeous with your eyes Madison. I can see it," she excitedly says getting everything ready to perform the ultrasound. Leo and I smile at one another as we glance at Rosa. I'm now laying down on the bed with legs spread wide open as she does her thing. Immediately, the room is filled with my baby's heartbeat that has me pretty emotional. Every time I hear or see my little bean. I fall madly in love. A mother's love is really unique and unconditional.

"How's the baby? Everything okay?," Leo asks as he glances at the monitor.

"Baby is perfectly healthy. Everything is perfect," she responds.

"Can you see the gender?," I decide to ask feeling curious to know what I'm birthing soon.

"Yes ma'am, are you two ready?," she grins. Leo and I look at one another and I can't help, but notice the excitement in his chocolate brown eyes. I would of never thought Leo would be excited to be a father, but I guess for not having any family besides Luna. It's only natural.

"Yes," I murmur intertwining my fingers with Leo's ready to finally hear what our first baby is going to be.

"Congratulations, it's a boy!," Rosa announces as she claps. The expression on Leo's face is priceless. He's completely delighted about the news almost as if this is exactly what he's been wanting from the very beginning. However, for me it didn't really matter as longest my little bean is healthy. Leo leans down shocking me with a sweet wet kiss on my forehead.

"Look at his little wee-wee," Rosa giggles. On the monitor, it clearly shows his baby legs spread open almost as if he's in a sitting position, while his middle part is out for the world to see.

"He's packing like his father," Leo smirks proudly. I roll my eyes playfully at his remark before saying, "Can I have many pictures as you can provide please."

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