Chapter 78 "Aviana"

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3 years later

"Rios you're in charge until I'm back. Luna Junior is asleep in his bedroom. He'll be up at 8 and will ask for his dinosaur nuggets which are in the freezer okay?"

"Yes Leo I'm a mother too. Don't worry, I know how to handle toddlers," Luna rubs her tired eyes as she yawns.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain strike my lower waist which causes me to screech. Immediately, Leo is beside me helping me stand firmly. I take in a deep breathe then exhale trying my best to soothe myself through these contractions.

"Are you okay babe?," Leo worriedly says as he intently examines me. "Yes, it's just part of labor right?," I slightly chuckle trying to make a joke during a tense moment, but another sharp pain strikes. This time striking me on my lower back making me wince.

And just like that, I feel a warm pile of liquid slide down my legs splashing down to the ground. "My water just broke," I gasp. Leo and I's eyes widen along with everyone else as we see the puddle of the clear liquid sitting on the floor.

"Shit, we must leave now," Leo murmurs as he grabs my arm helping me exit the house. Everyone wishes us luck as we leave to the hospital.

The entire car ride has been a torture as the contractions start to become closer in minutes. I've been practicing my breathing to help myself through the contractions, but I swear that doesn't do anything for me. So here I am crying like a big baby from the sharp pains I'm currently feeling.

"I'm so sorry Madison that I can't do anything to help you with this. Don't worry everything will be fine, I promise baby," Leo soothingly says as his hand gives my mine a little squeeze.

We finally arrive at the entrance of the hospital where a bunch of nurses are waiting for me with a wheelchair. Leo rushes to my side opening the door, so I can slowly step out. Nurses along with Leo surround me helping me take a seat on the wheelchair as we are now rushing inside the premises.

"Her water broke about 30 minutes ago," Leo informs the nurse that is registering me into my delivery room Leo picked out a few months back.

The pains become sharper which causes my screeches to become louder and longer. My body is hot from the pain causing droplets of sweat to form along my forehead.

"Doctor Veranice is on her way," the kind blonde nurse says as she and Leo helps me get out of my clothes and into my hospital gown. As I'm dressed in my gown. Leo helps me put my cap on making sure all of my hair is inside of it. I'm now laid down in the hospital bed as nurses start wiring me up and connecting me to machines getting everything set up for the big event.

"You're doing good baby," Leo murmurs as he stands besides me gently rubbing my head with his hand. This is his way of calming me down which is helping. With his touch and just having him here next to me makes me feel safe as if nothing bad can happen to me.

"Will you be getting epidural Mrs. Castillo?," the nurse asks as she holds her clipboard.

This is something Leo and I talked about for quite some time now and it was decided that I'm going to have a natural birth just like Savannah did for hers and Montoya's baby, Brielle. After doing some research about the the possible effects of the drug. I'm truly not wanting to drug my child in anyway. However, the pain is excruciating that I'm starting to second guess my decision.

How many centimeters is she?," Leo asks as he rubs his chin thinkably.


As soon as I hear this. My heart literally drops down to my stomach. After all this time of the excruciating contractions. I would think I'd be close to being 8 centimeters. I can only overthink of how much more pain I can take between now and 10 centimeters.

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