Chapter 14 "Shoot"

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Ever since the phone call with Leo and Cordova happened. East has been assigned full time to follow me around everywhere I go. He even has to go with me to the warehouse and stand there waiting for me to be done with work and training. Luna and I are still not seeing eye to eye since our argument. Our training sessions have been intense as well. Since Luna is giving me the silent treatment. I'm really starting to feel lonely once again. My training is now over and I start walking towards East ready to go back into prison.

"Madison," Luna utters out of the blue. I turn around looking at her dark brown eyes waiting to see what she wants.

"This whole fight is stupid," Luna huffs letting a breathe out.

"I know, I'm so sorry," I sigh hugging her really missing her company. It's crazy how close I became with her in such a quick time.

"I felt guilty Luna and it was easy to just point the finger towards you," I sigh.

"I understand, you aren't like any of us, so this type of stuff hits hard," Luna looks at me understandably.

"Shit just keeps getting worse for me I swear," I shake my head frustratedly pulling away from the hug.

"Cordova has been searching for you," Luna steers the subject.

"Oh my god," my eyes widen fear setting in.

"Don't worry Leo has been tracking him," she reassures.

"I'm surprised Leo didn't want to sell me to be honest with you."

"I'm pretty stunned as well," Luna half smiles.

"What? He's sold others before?," I gasp.

"Yes," Luna scratches her head faking a chuckle.

"What a monster. So he's kidnapped other women too?," I ask finding this new information frightening. This nightmare really gets worse and worse.

"No nothing like that. The rest were just pussycats and if one of Leo's associates asked for a specific one in return for money. Leo always took the money within less than a second," she explains.

"Wow, he must just want me around to torture me the way he does then," I roll my eyes. Before Luna could respond, East utters, "Let's go boss is waiting."

"Gotta go, god forbid Leo waits another minute," I huff annoyedly making my way towards East.

"See you tomorrow," Luna chuckles turning her heel walking the opposite way.


I walk inside the kitchen with East seeing Leo sitting on the dining table on his phone. I scan the room seeing all kinds of food in different pans sitting on the table.

"What's the occasion?," I raise a brow catching Leo's attention.

"Dinner for two," Leo responds eyeing the chair next to him for me to sit on. I take a seat next to him looking at him, "So what's up with Cordova?"

"Don't worry about him," Leo blankly responds.

"I guess," I grumble serving myself some enchiladas.

"Eat well you're coming with me to a business meeting tonight," Leo says serving himself some enchiladas with Spanish rice. I almost choke on the piece of enchilada that was currently passing through my throat. I cough swallowing the piece down with saliva furrowing my brows at Leo.

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