Chapter 5 "Monster"

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Madison's pov

It's been a couple of hours and my stomach is nonstop growling. I get off of the bed walking towards the door putting my ear on it. Hearing nothing outside, I huff walking back towards the bed laying on it. As I stare at the ceiling, I wonder if anyone at work has noticed my disappearance yet. I mean today I had work, so I hope once Nina sees I didn't show up, she files a missing report.

Nina knows I never miss work no matter how sick I am. I sigh, as another hopeless thought dwells into my mind making my heart fall down to my stomach.
How will anyone know where to even look for me? Damn it, I don't even know where the heck I am. For fucks sake, I'm held captive by a damn murderer. There's no way he would be stupid to have me near the city.

Knock Knock

I abruptly sit up on the bed as the door opens revealing Leo. His eyes are so red and looks so sparkly as he looks at me.

"Are you high?," I mumble warily watching his every move. Leo doesn't say a thing instead he walks towards me. Every single hair on my body stands up as I tremble, scared of what he might do to me next.

"It's your fault you know," he bluntly says sitting on the bed next to me. I furrow my brows in confusion scooting away from him. Leo grabs my waist tugging me towards him.

"What's my fault?," I ask scrunching my nose up in disgust by his odor. He reeks skunk just like Damien used to smell whenever he smoked his weed after football practice.

"If you weren't trying to escape from me. I wouldn't be putting hands on you," Leo raises a brow.

Are you fucking serious?

Anyone that witnesses a murder would try and escape too.

"Please Leo let me go. I won't snitch you out if that's what you're worried about I promise," I beg holding onto the little hope I have on Leo of being a human.

"I can't let you go," he firmly responds sniffing near the crook of my neck. I stay silent as the five words absorb into my brain. Suddenly, he takes his arm off of my shoulder standing up from the bed walking towards the door. I can feel the adrenaline rise within me as a light bulb turns on inside my head thinking of slamming Leo against the wall and running out of the door, but it all quickly goes down the drain as my eyes spot a gun tightly hanged from his belt.

There's no way I can take Leo down. He's way stronger than me and bigger than my tiny self. Just look at what happened earlier. So I stay seated on the bed feeling hopeless for myself like I've been the entire time of being locked inside this room. Leo comes to a halt in front of the door frame crouching down extending his left arm reaching for something on the floor then stands up turning around towards me. He holds a wooden food tray in his hand.

My eyes scans the food tray seeing a plate covered with a sliver cap and a water bottle next to it. Once Leo is in front of me he sits the food tray down on the bed then cuffs my chin. Our eyes lock with one another for who knows how long in silence. In this very moment, the Leo I met is the very same Leo standing in front of me right now. The violent psycho, I've been dealing with since last night isn't present anymore.

I stand facing face to face with him well his chest since he's way taller than me. I lift my hand up cuffing his cheek, which startles him almost like he thought I was going to slap him. I pull my hand away furrowing my brows at him confused on why he reacted in that manner.

"Leo," I mumble.

Leo stares at me waiting for me to proceed.

"Please let me go," I beg again holding onto that hope I have.

Leo's chocolate brown eyes turn dark quickly becoming angry at what I just said. Suddenly, he pushes me making fall onto the bed. He then grabs the food tray throwing it against the wall. All of the food spluttering out of the plate landing on the carpet. I scream from his sudden aggression.

"Stop fucking asking that," he grits his teeth clenching his fists.

"How can I fucking stop?! I'm being held against my will like a fucking prisoner. You practically kidnapped me," I roar anger taking over me frustrated at this whole situation. Leo slaps me across the face and I tumble down to the carpet cuffing my cheek from the stinging pain, I'm quickly becoming familiar with.

"I tried to be nice to you," Leo mutters turning his heel walking out of the door locking it as usual. I stand up running towards the door kicking and punching my fists against it not caring how much my knuckles hurt nor bled from how hard I was punching. After a while, I stop letting myself fall down to my knees screeching from frustration and pain. If I had the slightest hope in Leo Castillo being a human. Now, I definitely have zero hope in him period.

He's a monster.

A fucking monster.

Minutes pass by of me sobbing until I had no more tears left to shed. My eyes land on the food spluttered all over the carpet and I crawl towards it. I sit near the spluttered food that consists of a sandwich and cut up fruits as I pick them up one by one throwing it into my mouth. Here I am like a dog eating food from the ground just like I once ate, when I was fifteen years old.

The only difference from then is that I at least had my freedom. And now, I have nothing. Leo Castillo completely owns me.

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