Chapter 25 "Ties"

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"W-what?," I mumble.

"You're six weeks pregnant Madison and according to the results I've received you were dehydrated, undernourished, and your stress levels are too high. All of these unhealthy patterns is what caused you to faint," the doctor explains a sympathetic look plastered on her face.

"Wow, I definitely didn't expect this," Luna huffs baffled by the entire news. As for Leo, he's completely silent looking like he just seen a ghost. For the first time ever, he's mute. His chocolate brown eyes strictly staring at the doctor as she explains everything.

"No, please I can't be p-pregnant," I shiver from complete fear.

"Madison you need to calm down," Luna worriedly says standing near me hugging me. Tears start bursting out of my eyeballs uncontrollably. The thought of me carrying a baby, Leo's baby inside of me is terrifying the crap out of me. I never saw myself having children of my own due to the struggles of my life. Maybe way into the future around my thirties. I would of wanted children of my own depending on the guy, but never did I think I would be expecting my first child like this, yet alone with Leo Castillo being the father. The man I wouldn't consider a baby with ever.

"Don't worry Madison, there's options for you. Perhaps, adoption would be something you would like to look into-"

"She's having this baby," Leo suddenly scolds glaring at doctor Aldrich.

"W-what?," I stutter pushing Luna away throwing the most hateful glare towards him.

"You're having this baby," he bluntly says averting his attention away from the doctor now fully on me.

"What if I don't want to?" Leo creases his brows together looking a bit offended before he firmly says, "You're having this baby whether you like it or not understand?"

The terrifying look he's currently throwing at me is enough to have all the little hairs on my body stand up. This man is so intimidating when he's angry, so I just shut down knowing there's nothing I can do or say about my situation.

"You're an asshole," Luna spat wrapping her arms around me. As soon as I feel her I lean on her chest sobbing.


The entire ride home was nothing, but silence between Leo, Luna, and I. However, I didn't mind it at all if anything it was beneficial for me. Back at the hospital when Doctor Aldrich said I was pregnant, I panicked. My heart immediately fell down to my stomach as an extreme hot flash presented itself making me gasp for fresh air. The unexpected news completely hit me hard. As much as I want to brush it off and wake up from this nightmare, I can't it's my reality.

Once we arrive at the mansion. I go straight to my room closing the door. Sitting on my bed, I stare out at the window looking into the dark sky still processing all of today's events. The door creaks open making me turn around seeing Leo step inside. I roll my eyes, averting my attention away from him not wanting to deal with any of his bullshit right now.

"Can we talk?," Leo murmurs.

"about?," I scoff.


Surprisingly, this caught my attention and I lock eyes with his who's standing holding his composure firmly while looking at me.

"There isn't a us anymore Leo," I huff feeling hurt in my heart from everything that has happened lately. Leo frowns dropping his gaze down to the carpet before lifting it up again strictly looking at me.

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