Chapter 43 "Distant Memory"

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3 1/2 months later

"Have a good day Madison."

"Likewise," I smile grabbing my purse ready to go home and rest my swollen feet. As soon as I step outside of the little cafe I work in. Rain starts pouring down harshly instantly wetting my hair. Immediately, pulling my umbrella out to cover myself. I casually start to walk towards my little apartment I managed to settle in with the money I stole.

It's been three and a half months since I came to New York to start a new life. Since then everything has fallen together for me. On my first week of living here. I managed to get hired at a small cafe not far from my apartment location. The owner of the small cafe is a elderly woman that desperately needed help with her business, so as soon as I applied it was practically an easy hire for me.

I'm now close to hitting my nine month mark with my pregnancy. My stomach has grown so much over the time making it harder for me to walk with such massive weight. As I walk, I come to a quick halt feeling my baby kick. I smile rubbing my baby bump loving his movements.

I remember the first time I've felt my son move. It was a busy Saturday morning in the cafe when I felt my son move to one side onto the other. I was cleaning tables when this occurred, so the first thing I did was drop the rag staying frozen in the moment as this beautiful, unknown, and memorable experience presented itself.

I also remember my happiness faltering when the man I ran away from appeared in my head. Sadness taking over my heart almost instantly knowing he would of loved this little precious moment he sadly wasn't a part of. I know it was my decision to leave and I know I ripped his opportunities of experiencing his son's first movements, but I had to do what I had to do for my son.

The first month was crucial for me getting adjusted to life without Leo Castillo, the man that managed to steal my heart. Who would of known it was even possible to fall in love with your captor. The same man that completely turned my life upside down, yet gave me the most precious gift in the world.

My son.

After awhile I slowly started forgetting his touch, warmth, and eventually his face. I no longer think of him as much as I first did, which is a good thing in my opinion and to be honest his face is now a blur.

A distant memory.

New York has been good to me helping me live a simple peaceful life as well has heal me from everything I've been through. New York, is my home now and it'll be my baby's home as well.


A familiar deep voice utters breaking me from my thoughts as I walk down the wet sidewalk. I turn to the side my emerald green eyes locking with hazel ones.

"I'm starting to think you're stalking me," I sassily say slowing my steps as I continue on glancing every now and then at the black SUV that's closely following my every step.

"I actually happen to come from your lovely cafe you see," he gingerly says holding his coffee cup up high enough for me to see it.

"I believe you," I giggle.

"Come on I'll give you a ride to your place," he kindly offers unlocking his door for me to enter. I glance down the sidewalk seeing the harsh rain rapidly hit the concrete showing no signs of it decreasing nor stopping anytime soon. So I gratefully take up the offer my feet screaming for a break.

"Thank you again," I breathe closing the door shut feeling myself instantly relax on the comfortable leather seat. My feet throbbing from the double weight it's holding.

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