Chapter 60 "Little Leo"

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Madison's pov

"Oh my god. He moved," Luna excitedly squeaks.

"This kid is so active," I smile warmly looking down at my swollen stomach counting the days down anxious to see how Leo and I's creation looks.

"Has Leo felt him move yet?"

My smile falters by her sudden question. Leo hasn't felt his son move. At first, it was due to me being far away from him and now it's just bad timing. Leo wasn't happy to hear about missing his child's first movements thanks to me which I feel guilty for.


"It's okay it'll happen just like it happened to me," Luna grins rubbing my stomach.

"When is Leo suppose to be back?"

"Soon, I think they found the house you told us about well that's what Diaz texted me saying," Luna responds taking a bite of her hot cheetos. I yawn, feeling full from the tacos Luna ordered us a few minutes ago. Food coma at its finest.

"I'm sleepy. I'm going to take a nap okay," I inform her no longer being able to fight back my sleepiness. These last months of my pregnancy is literally eat and sleep most of the time. Being nine months pregnant, I sure feel so exhausted and these swollen feet of mine that makes me feel like a Oompa Loompa.

"Go ahead," Luna smiles turning her attention away watching games of thrones. This series is a good show too bad I'm to sleepy to continue watching, so I snuggle on the couch getting somewhat comfortable shutting my eyelids close letting sleep take over.


Leo's pov

Today has been a long day and I'm terribly missing Madison. Since spilling our love to one another things has been great between us. Oh how I was dead wrong about her playing me all along she loved me as much I did too. Two in love idiots not being straight forward with each other. I chuckle at the thought of that realizing how much could of been avoided if only we well I would of just let my heart speak.

However, the past is the past and Madison and I are in a good place finally. After locating Santana's location, we burned it down to the ground. The once a home becoming into ashes in the dirt. I wish I could of stayed to see the expression on his face, but I must be smart and careful with my execution I have planned for Santana. Taking risks isn't in my nature no more. I have to be extremely careful with what I do for my family.

"Santana is going to lose his shit once he sees what we did," Diaz chuckles breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I can't wait to go to war with them," Sniper grins leaning against his seat.

"They'll know it was us, but little do they know the mastermind behind the burn down is none other than Leo Castillo whom rose from the dead," Montoya pats my back respect in his eyes.

"The next time he sees me. I'll be ending his pathetic life once and for all," I smirk.

"The red eagles always prevails," everyone shouts pride in their tones as we make our way back to our temporary estate.


We've arrived to Diaz's parents home wanting nothing more, but to lay in bed next to Madison and my son. Every time I'm with them I feel at home. Dismissing myself from everyone, I make way towards the living room where Luna said Madison is asleep. As soon as my eyes land on her beautiful face that innocently lays on the couch peacefully resting her hand on her stomach. My heart beats warmly. Funny, what a simple human being can do to your entire existence.

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