Chapter 70 "Exposed"

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As I'm cooking some dinner, I feel arms wrap around my waist which I instantly feel the familiar warmth I'm so in love with. Feeling his strong warm chest lean against my back as his smooth lips makes contact with my cheek. Butterflies start to fly all crazy inside my stomach. I swear this feeling will never get old.

"5 more minutes Leo," I murmur as I feel my lips expand. A huge smile present at this point. "Look at you," he murmurs near my ear causing me to smile even more.

"Smells bomb," he adds looking over my shoulder to get a peek into what I have sizzling on the pan. "Your favorite," I turn my head to my side placing a small kiss on his cheek. "You're the best wife a man can ever ask for," he lovingly says as he takes a step back opening the cabinet pulling out two plates.

Just as I turn everything off on the stove. We hear wailing belonging to little Leo. Before I can say a word, Leo is out of sight only meaning he ran to our room to get our son. "What's cooking? Smells so good," Diaz utters coming into view from the corner taking a seat on a chair near the dining table. "Spanish rice, enchiladas, and fried drumsticks," I respond serving Leo and I's plates.

"Yum, may I get some if there's enough? I'm sorry I've been so hungry lately," he says as he grabs a pear from the little basket full of fresh fruits taking a huge bite from it.

"Damn have you been starving or what?," I chuckle placing Leo and I's plates on the dining table. "No, I stay eating, but since the pregnancy I'm just more hungrier now."

"What?," I breathe unsure of what I just heard. Is my best friend possibly pregnant? But she didn't mention a word to me. I mean it has been two days since I've been out of the hospital, so that's plenty of time that she could  of notified me. As soon as I say this Diaz freezes instantly scolding himself mentally.

"Leo is going to kill me," Diaz murmurs shaking his head.

"He isn't, now tell me what you meant by that? I-Is Lu-"

"She's pregnant with my child," he cuts me off almost as if he wants this conversation over and done with before Leo steps into the kitchen at anytime.

"Oh my god, how beautiful! Congratulations Diaz!," I squeal from pure happiness and excitement. A baby is such a beautiful blessing.

"Thanks, now keep it down," Diaz whispers shushing me up.

I crease my brows watching as Diaz's skin color drains out of him almost as if he just seen a ghost or something slamming his hand onto his forehead in frustration. Hearing a small grunting sound coming from behind me. I turn around seeing Leo with the most pissed off glare I've have ever seen on him. Well besides that one time at the pool party Luna took me to.

I probably have the most confused expression plastered on my face as I glance at the both of them not having a clue on why the air in the kitchen has suddenly become so thick and claustrophobic.

"It slipped out boss," Diaz huffs. 

"Wait, you knew about this Leo and didn't tell me?," I butt in disliking the fact that Leo knew about Luna being pregnant and didn't bother to update me. He knows how much Luna and I are close, so this is something I should of been told about.

Leo doesn't respond instead he remains glaring at Diaz. "Leo," I repeat this time getting his attention. "This is an issue that is between Diaz, Luna, and I," he flatly responds. I raise a brow at his response, "Excuse me?"

"Madison, I do not want to argue with you about this," Leo says as he holds little Leo between his arms.

"Why would we even argue over this? This entire situation is confusing. What is going on?"

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