Chapter 75 "Reflection"

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Thank you so much for this wonderful cover! I love it! ChaosLady


"Damien?," I question unsure of what to think here.

"There's no time for questions. We must get you out of here before she comes," he hastily says looking back over his shoulder then at me with a worried look plastered on his face.


"Madison, I'll explain everything once we're safe. Let's go now," he says as he grabs my arm motioning for me to follow. Without any hesitation, I do.

We're now rushing out through a unfamiliar corridor as I tightly cradle little Leo within my arms. It takes us a while until we reach a back door, which Damien busts open with his foot bringing down the door from its hinges. This loud commotion instantly wakes little Leo up which has me completely cringing.

As soon as he starts wailing, a deep voice shouts, "Who's there?!," as we hear this along with its footsteps, Damien and I rush out sprinting for our lives.

Leo's pov

Blood, bullets, and dead bodies is all that consists of this place. I have no idea, how long this mafia war has been going on, but all I know is that my main target still needs to be shot at already.

I've lost count of how many I've killed, my only focus being on Santana who's constantly barricading himself behind objects. Completely irritated by his wuss behavior, I decide to call him out, "Stop hiding you coward and face me!," I grit my teeth.

"You thought it would be that easy to take me down Castillo?," Santana responds with a slight chuckle.

"No weapons, let's fight like true leaders. That's if you ain't a coward at that?," I firmly say exposing myself completely in the middle of the battlefield looking straight towards the wall where Santana is hiding behind.

All of the men left alive stop firing at one another after they hear my call out. Soon after, Santana steps out from behind the wall and exposes himself as he smirks at me before responding, "Challenge accepted."

Santana and I both throw our guns to the ground stepping forward until we're close enough. The rest of the men surround us ready to see what's going to go down between the two mafia bosses.

"You have no idea how eagerly I waited for this day Castillo," Santana says as he holds his fists up ready for the ultimate final fight.

"Likewise," I blankly respond wanting to get my fists on him already.

Not being able to be patient anymore. I throw the first punch which he dodges. Santana does the same which I imitate his earlier action to my swing. Hazel on brown, never once averting our focus on one another away, as we start swinging at one another uncontrollably. Chants from both mafias are heard around us as we throw one another down. Finally, after using all my strength, I body slam Santana onto the floor.

Each hit I place on Santana's face feels numb to my knuckles. All of the memories of our entire history as rivals flashes through my mind making me angry, but what makes me even more angrier is that he has Madison and my son in his possession. As much as I want to kill him with my bare hands, I can't.

I need to find Madison and little Leo first.

"Where's my wife and son?!," I shout letting another swing smash against the side of his face.

Santana doesn't respond. Instead, he smirks as blood drools down his cracked lips. This only fumes me even more as my fist finds his face not twice, but three times letting my frustration out.

"ANSWER ME!," I grit my teeth clutching onto his collar of his shirt pulling him up slightly.

The next words that slip out of his lips completely set me on fire, "If I can't have her, you won't either," he splutters as he spits on my face.

From there, I saw completely red. I have no idea how many times, my fist met his face that by now is completely swollen up. Rios tried to stop me from swinging at Santana, but I roughly pushed him back. However, a voice I didn't at all expect to hear suddenly speaks which immediately causes me to stop as my heart rate thumps uncontrollably.


Hearing my name, I turn around seeing the one person I didn't expect to ever see in my entire life. I mean why would I expect to see this individual ever again if their suppose to be dead right?

Locking eyes with those that are the exact same color as mine sends chills all over my body. Through the reflection of her eyes, I see myself and not my adult self, but that scared little boy I once used to be.

Weak, pained, tortured, and abused.

Everything that broke me which made me evolve into the monster I once was before Madison came along.

Everything and everyone fades away as I stay baffled by this presence, I have no clue if it's real or if I finally lost my damn mind. All I know is that I'm frozen, for the first time in my life.


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