Chapter 59 "Heart"

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"What we need to do is go attack him and his entire mafia."

"You can't just go in and attack Luna. You have to execute first."

We're currently in the living room of the house that Diaz's parents used to own before they passed away. Since Santana and his men destroyed the mansion. This is our home for now until we get back on our feet. I sit on the couch eating a slice of pizza while Leo and the red eagles discuss their next move on Santana. The tasty taste of pizza makes my mouth water as I enjoy every single bite of it. I feel as if it's been forever since I had a proper meal.

"Enough with wasting time. Look where that got us, we should of taken Santana out a long time ago. For fuck sakes, he almost killed Leo," Luna grumbles.

"Going head on is the most stupidest move we can do right now. That's what he expects after that hit he did on us. We need to find his headquarters and destroy it then we attack him. I'll be the one to blow a bullet through his skull. If shit was personal before it definitely became more now," Leo sternly says glancing over at me as he finishes off his last sentence.

I've always been against war. I just don't see how wars bring any type of peace. It's always a back and forth battle that never ends. However, Santana sparked something in Leo that I know will never end until Leo gets what he wants. And that is Santana dead six feet underground.

Leo mentioned to me that Santana was spying on me the entire time. The whole thing about him meeting me at the cafe in New York was no coincidence. He knew exactly who I was. Santana won't stop until he gets me. This is why I can't tell Leo not to do a thing. For once, I agree with my husband. My son and I are in danger as longest he is alive, so for us to be safe he must go.

"There this home in the forest up at some mountain he locked me in when he took me. Maybe that's a start to look into," I utter involving myself into the conversation. Suddenly, the door opens catching all of our attentions. Rossi, the last person I really don't want to see enters the room. Leo glances at me worriedly as I roll my eyes at him letting him know I'm not so fond of her presence. I make a mental note to ask Leo later about why she's back into his mafia.

"Do you know how to get there?," Salma raises a brow at me as her sidekick Lucero crosses her arms. I haven't seen these two since I left, and to be honest seeing them again isn't my cup of tea.

"Uhm, I think so. I can try," I mumble not really sure if I would be able to remember exactly how to get there.

"Fucking pointless. You seriously su-," Rossi butts in into the conversation making her hatred towards me known as usual. However, she's immediately cut off by Leo whom grabs her by the neck slamming her against the wall violently. I gasp, as everyone else seems chill about the situation warily watching the entertainment play out in front of them.

"What the f-fuck are you d-doing?," Rossi croaks struggling to breathe as she clutches her hand onto Leo's grip, which she fails miserable to remove.

"I should snap your neck for disrespecting my wife," Leo grits his teeth.

"I-I don't understand. She betrayed you," Rossi mumbles.

"She never did. Now respect your leader. What is mine is hers. Remember that very well Rossi. If you cross her you cross me understand?," Rossi stays silent glaring between Leo and I. I can tell the emotions of anger and pain swirls within her ocean blue eyes.

"Do you fucking understand or do I need to beat you again?," Leo repeats giving her neck a squeeze. Rossi is fighting Leo off trying not to show weakness. However, the color of her skin starts paling turning into a purplish color.

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