Chapter 22 "Dark nightmare"

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It's been a couple of days of being back and things with Leo and I have went back to how they were before Miami. Well except for the violence. He hardly talks to me and completely ignores me whenever I'm around him which at first bothered me, but now I just brush it off. I spend most of my time with Luna at the warehouse or at her apartment, which I prefer since I'm away from Leo.

"You two were at Miami for days and you really expect me to believe nothing happened between you two?," Luna mocks. We're currently watching Netflix in her apartment on a lazy Sunday eating junk food. Luna hasn't stop interrogating me about Miami. It's not that I don't trust her. I just don't want anyone to know about what occurred over there.

"Nothing happened for the millionth time," I annoyedly respond throwing a hot cheeto into my mouth.

"Fine I believe you," Luna rolls her eyes.

"Yay," I chuckle.

"But Leo has been acting different since you appeared in his life," she adds taking a sip of her slurpy. My eyes instantly avert away from the television and look straight at her.

"He has? How?," I ask interested in this topic.

"Don't trip. You won't tell me, so I won't tell you," Luna grins. I scratch the back of my head debating whether to tell her what happened between Leo and I or just keep it a secret. However, if I do decide to keep it to myself. I won't find out what Luna means.

"Leo and I slept together," I murmur.

"Ah!," Luna squeaks clapping her hands jumping up and down on the couch.

"I knew something happened between you two. Was it your first time or what? Because you look like a virgin," Luna excitedly says.

"No, it wasn't actually," I breathe a bit awkwardly.

"What? Shocker," She responds, while throwing a hit Cheeto into her mouth.

"I lost my virginity to Leo a while ago. On the day, he kidnapped me," I avert my eyes back to the television feeling a little low about myself as I remember that day.

"Oh my gosh. You did what?! Out of all penises in the world it had to be with Leo," Luna shockingly utters.

"When I met him, he was so well mannered, generous, and nice. Leo was cool and well I let myself go in the heat of the moment. But then everything else happened, which you're aware of. How can a man have two different personalities?," I sigh my vision becoming blurry. Luna notices my brimming eyes and scoots closer to me taking my hand in hers.

"Leo is a very difficult man. You have no idea the crap he's been through," Luna huffs. Here we go again with the 'I have no idea what he's been through' . If Leo won't tell me then Luna will.

"Then inform me Luna," I firmly say nothing, but seriousness on my face. Luna averts her eyes to the ground lingering on a thought probably debating whether or not to tell me about her cousin's past.

"I don't know if that's my place Madison," she sighs.

"Leo won't tell me Luna and you know what the sick part is?," I murmur.

"What?," Luna locks her dark brown eyes at me.

"He thinks it's a lifestyle."

"His parents-"

"Please as my best friend tell me. Leo told me in Miami that he needs me and even apologized for the crap he's done to me, but I can't further anything with him because I don't know anything about him besides the stuff I've witnessed Luna," I bluntly say.

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