Chapter 33 "Please"

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A week later

"Oh my gosh. Peanut looks so cute," Luna gushes. I smile as Luna and I stare at the image.

"Aw, I can't believe my cousin is going to be a father," she adds which makes my smile falter. Since arriving from Italy, Leo and I haven't really talked to one another besides a few words here and there. Four days ago, he moved all of my stuff into his bedroom without asking me for my input not like I actually expected for him to do so, but it would of been nice considering I'm his wife and all.

"Possibly father of two," I mutter.

"We don't know that Madison. I mean come on really think about it. Rossi is all of a sudden pregnant... how convenient," Luna rolls her eyes.

"Why would she lie?," I huff annoyedly.

"Rossi is madly in love with Leo almost obsessed if you ask me. There's nothing she wouldn't do in order to stay in his life."

"She should be the one married to him not me," I sneer slumping my shoulders.

"Oh Maddie, sometimes I honestly feel you need glasses. Don't you see how much Leo adores you? I know he can be a crazy fuck, but he's changed since you came along," Luna pointedly says.

"I don't see it. He's still so possessive and controlling. I even accidentally spilled the I love you to him and guess what he did?," I raise my dark brow.


"He freaking ignored it almost as if it never happened. I mean I don't expect him to love me back. Shit, I don't even think it's possible for him to love anyone actually," I sigh.

"Love isn't exactly a thing in his world well that's at least what his mother would always psychologically beat him down with," Luna explains.

"Leo is such a broken man no offense and honestly I don't have the time to try and change him. I have a baby to worry about and dedicate my entire self to," I bluntly say.

I once wanted to help Leo it's just the kind of person I am, but many times it has blown up in my face. Someone like him just doesn't change in a quickness or who knows maybe cases like this it's impossible for change. However, everything is different now. I'm pregnant and it isn't my responsibility to do such a thing. My only priority is my child.

"I understand."

Suddenly the door opens and it's Mr. Satan himself, "We need to talk," he sternly says. I glare at him warily noticing how red and swollen his eyes are and his usually combed back hair is a hot mess right now. He even looks a bit pale almost as if he just seen a ghost.

I get up from the bed walking towards Leo as he opens the door wide enough for me to walk out. He shuts the door then proceeds to walk down the hallway into his I mean our bedroom. As soon as we step inside he shuts the door worriedly looking at me.

"What's going on?," I decide to break the awkward silence.

"Please don't leave me," Leo's usually strong voice cracks sounding completely broken. My heart starts to beat irregularly as I furrow my brows together confusion setting in.

"What are you talking about Leo?"

Leo looks completely torn and vulnerable, which is something I have never seen before from him. He takes a step forward. His red swollen eyes fixated on me when he stops pulling out a small bottle of liquor," which he immediately opens and chugs down the liquid almost as if it was water. I lurch forward grabbing the small bottle of liquor out of his hand throwing it across the room. I've always hated men drinking such poison, "talk to me", I say.

"Today I took Rossi to get herself tested to know if she's actually pregnant and it was," Leo stops looking at me with such sadness in his eyes. I can even see his chocolate brown eyes developing tears as we stare at one another. Leo cuffs my cheeks with both of his hands pulling me delicately towards him. I stay silent cringing in fear of what he is about to announce to me. He looks so scared as if he's afraid of possibly losing me after he tells me whatever he is planning to tell me.

"It was what?," I mumble breaking the awkward silence that fell between us as I lift my hand up instinctively cuffing his chin. Leo smashes his lips onto mine kissing me frustratedly almost desperately as if his life depends on it. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly from the intoxicating alcohol he reeks from. I pull away no longer being able to take in the smell as well as taste.

"Stop avoiding the question and tell me Leo," I grumble no longer being able to take this torture.

"Before I do please promise me as my wife that this won't change anything between us?," Leo breathes. I stay quiet not knowing how I should even answer such a question. I mean how could I if I don't even know what he's referring to. Sure we've gotten along before the honeymoon occurred, but this entire week we've been pretty distant unless he's referring to what we had going on before the buzzkill we had in Italy.

"Leo, I don't-"

"Please baby promise me," Leo voice cracks his hand cuffing my cheek. The next two words slip out almost naturally no longer thinking too much about it, "I promise."

"The test came out positive. Rossi is pregnant."

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