Chapter 55 "Reborn"

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Leo's pov

"How the fuck did he find my location?!," I scold.

"I have no idea boss."

"Someone must of betrayed me," I grit my teeth.

"We'll find out soon enough once we handle this war," Rios says as we swerve through the streets not caring for any red light.

A thought crosses my mind that has me clenching my hands to a point that my knuckles have turned completely white from the pressure. Santana must be looking for Madison for him to have gone this far. Him and I have been rivals since his father called the hit on my father. The constant war between us has been endless. Before I met Madison, I took out some of his headquarters as well as ended a lot of his business deals by cuffing them into my business. Santana went low key for months, which I didn't bother to think much of due to meeting Madison, which completely flipped my life around taking a turn I never thought it would. I fell in love for the first time in my life, got married, and now I'm expecting my first child.

My heir.

Madison took me out of focus completely. Little did I know while I was living for the first time in years. Santana was plotting against me keeping a close eye on what was occurring. That one night Luna took Madison out to Cordova's party. Santana was there watching. The times Madison went to the warehouse to help Luna he was watching. Our trip to Italy, he was watching. Lastly, when Madison left me that day there he was watching from afar and that's when he decided to put his plan into action. Santana for years has tried to hit me hard, but there was never nothing I cared about that could be used against me until now and he found that out. Madison and my son are my weakness and that's exactly what he went after.

I break out of my thoughts as I hear gunshots being fired all over the place as we approach the mansion. I grit my teeth seeing how wrecked the entire place is already all due to Santana. The car is quickly brought to a halt as Rios, Diaz, Sniper, and myself rush out of the car ready to kill our enemies. My only focus being on killing once and for all Santana.

Shots are fired at us as Santana's men rush towards us noticing our arrival. I look around seeing some of my men lifeless bodies on the ground only boiling my blood wanting nothing, but pure revenge. I pull the trigger firing bullets straight to the enemies hearts instantly ending their lives within seconds. I make my way into my home noticing more bodies. I can tell the hit on the red eagles was not at all expected. Only meaning one thing that the hit came from the inside. There's no way Santana nor his men could of gotten near my place pass my highly trained men without help from the inside.

But who would dare betray me?

Men start jumping out from all sorts of places aiming for me, which I send bullets in their heads and hearts just like how my father taught me. Finishing everyone off on my own I hear a sudden thud coming from upstairs. Instantly, my heart thumps knowing that noise is coming straight from the nursery room I built with my own hands for my son. The nursery room Madison never got to see due to her leaving me.

There was various nights, I would just go inside my son's room and drown myself with alcohol wanting to tear the room apart, but never had the courage to do so. Building the nursery room for my son eventually planning to surprise Madison once I was done, which was that night she left. I just couldn't dare destroy the room I worked so hard on that would eventually belong to my boy.

The first days were the hardest, so I believed. Madison being god knows where had me going crazy. As much as I wanted to be angry at her for doing what she did to me, I couldn't help, but worry for her. It's true, I knew deep down why she left. I just couldn't accept it. I even thought about leaving everything behind possibly living a normal life all so I can have her by my side. However, everything my father, my bloodline worked hard for would be thrown away letting another come into power which is something I'm not so entirely sure I would want to allow.

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