Chapter 37 "Madison"

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A month later

"Leo's birthday is in three days," Luna excitedly says as she purchases a lot of beers and various kinds of alcohol. It's been an entire month since the whole heir announcement and since then I've been secretly planning the right time to put my plan into action.

"He's going all out isn't he?," I lazily smile.

"He always does," Luna smirks happily.

"Right, are we done yet? I'm so tired," I yawn feeling my feet start to complain about being on foot all day. I'm six and a half months pregnant now, so things have definitely changed a bit for me. My stomach as you can imagine is bigger, which my body is definitely reacting to it.

"Yes, let's take you home before Leo starts blowing up my phone," she chuckles.

"Leo is such a different person now including you," Luna adds playfully eyeing me as we step into the car. Things between Leo and I has progressed significantly. We have been to many mini vacations that at first I was against due to my mood swings, but would end up having the time of my life. We've been getting along no longer getting into arguments with one another and he's very attentive with me always delivering my every crave, which I'm entirely grateful for.

For the longest time after my parents passed. I haven't had anyone take good care of me besides well Damien of course, but even he didn't take good care of me like Leo has. Feels kind of nice to have someone care to be honest.

"How am I different?," I decide to ask.

"You love him deeply don't you? I see how your eyes sparkle at his presence," she glances at me a sweet genuine smile forms on her lips. As much as I hate to admit it to her or even to myself, this feeling I have towards Leo has grown without my authorization. Leo has been a great husband and I truthfully see the potential he has of being a good man, but unfortunately it's just a dream of mine and only that. Leo has made it perfectly clear that he loves and was born for this lifestyle that he takes pride in. The possibilities of him changing are long dead and buried.

The day he announced my son as his heir is what made me completely give up on whatever fantasy I had of pursuing with him.

"Yes, I love Leo a lot more than I have ever loved anyone," I truthfully admit.

"Oh my g-"

"But he doesn't love me like he loves his red eagles well actually he's doesn't love me at all, which is completely fine. I have accepted it long ago," I blankly say no longer getting upset about it anymore. Not sure where this strength has come from within me or if it's my son inside my womb making me into wonder woman that has me shocked at myself from how strong I've become compared to before.

"That's not true Maddie. I'm sure he loves you back. You have him acting like a little high schooler it's hard to believe he's a mafia leader now," Luna confidently says.

"Has he mentioned anything about loving me Luna?"

Luna stays quiet trying to avoid answering me. I've known her long enough to know when she's avoids my questions. Usually this is something she does when she has no prove to back up her claims.

"Well has he?," I grumble angrily.

"No," she sighs.

"Exactly, now let's drop it," I say coldly. Once we arrive at the mansion. We make our way in ready to eat some food since we've been out all day shopping for this party that seems to be the biggest time of the year for the red eagles. Entering the kitchen, I immediately rummage through the fridge Leo always keeps full for me since I stay eating all day every day.

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