Chapter 21 "Lifestyle"

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Feeling the cold breeze sweep through my hair. I flutter my eyes open instantly realizing I'm no longer in the hotel room. I abruptly get off of the bed scanning my surroundings recognizing the interior design only belonging to Leo's yacht.

What in the world?

Opening the door to the room, I make my way out where I'm welcomed by stronger cold breeze and the beautiful eye catching baby blue ocean as seagulls flap their wings over me. I hear two male voices instantly recognizing one of them as Leo. Once I walk to the front, I spot Leo leaning on the wall speaking to the captain.

His every muscle causally flexing in such a natural admirable way

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His every muscle causally flexing in such a natural admirable way. Without realizing it, I find myself absorbing every inch of this masterpiece in front of me. Leo Castillo is such a handsome man any woman would fall head over heels for him. I mean just look at Rossi who constantly fights for his attention. A smirk finds its way on my lips as dirty thoughts presents itself into my mind remembering last night's steamy events between Leo and I. Hours ago, I literally had this man doing all kinds of things to me pleasing me in ways that is indescribable .

"Finally you're awake," Leo's deep husky voice says snapping me out of my dirty thoughts.

"Y-yeah... how did I end up here? Last time I remember I was laying on the bed in the hotel room," I respond.

"I didn't want to wake you up, so I carried you here. After all, you needed your full sleep since last night things got pretty crazy," he smirks at me. I can feel my cheeks redden from his remark. This isn't the first time he says things like this, but I just can't seem to get used to it.

"We have arrived," the captain chirps.

"Go put something on. There's clothes I bought for you in the closet," Leo says. Without saying a word, I do as he says pretty excited for today's adventure. Since being in Miami with Leo, I must admit it has been pretty fun especially since he's so nice. The complete opposite of how he was back home.

"You better be fit," Leo grins.

"What? Are you suggesting I'm fat?," I squint my emerald green eyes at him.

"No, I meant as in be able to climb that over there?," Leo explains pointing towards a huge mountain in front of us.

"For your information. I'm very capable of climbing that," I reply.


"I'm so tired," I whine trying my best to keep up with Leo which I can tell he's very athletic by how he's making the whole hiking experience seem so easy. We are currently hiking and boy is the sun my worst enemy right now. If you ask me how long we've been walking this damn mountain. I would say about five hours.

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