Chapter 50 "Outburst"

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It's been a couple of days that I was kidnapped once again by Leo Castillo. As much as I've lost appetite I force myself to eat making sure my son gets all the nutrients he needs. I haven't seen Leo since I've been brought here, yet again I haven't been allowed to leave the room. Every meal is brought to me same thing with fresh clothes.  To my amazement, Luna hasn't visited leaving me to wonder if she's still mad at me for leaving the way I did.

As I think about her, a knock is heard on the door breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yes?," I awkwardly say unsure of who it may be. The door opens as Luna steps inside, a sympathetic expression is plastered on her face.

"Leo has requested for you to join him downstairs for lunch," Luna flatly informs me standing by the door. I stand up from the bed walking towards her uneasily not knowing how to even talk to her. What was once so easy before is now complicated.

"It's been a good while since-"

"I don't want to hear it," Luna cuts me off showing slight aggression within her tone. Surprisingly, I'm stunned by her outburst not expecting for our once good friendship to be this way now. I know what I did was pretty shitty from my part of not letting her know about my plans of escape, but again I didn't know if I could trust her.

"I'm sorry for leaving the way I did Luna. I had my reasons and I didn't know if I could trust you," I bluntly say not caring about her command. It needs to be said.

"I'm offended Madison. I thought you and I were best friends, but here you say you didn't trust me. It's cool though I'm used to people thinking low of me," She scoffs speeding up down the hallway leaving me behind.

"You're Leo's cousin and part of the red eagles of course I was afraid to tell you about my escape. Tell me Luna, if I would of told you about me escaping would you of kept it a secret and let me proceed with it?," I sternly say catching up to her now heading downstairs.

Luna stays silent averting her focus to the ground as if lingering on my question. We are now in the kitchen and Luna exits through the back door without announcing herself. I stand awkwardly near the door frame watching as Luna disappears completely.

"Sit," Leo firmly demands taking a sip of his wine sitting in the far end of the dining table watching me with hawk eyes. I do as he says remembering how easily he lost his temper yesterday when he smashed the only lamp I had in the room against the wall. Now due to that when night time approaches. I'm stuck in the dark with no access of light. Once seated on the other end of the table. I lean back against the chair crossing my arms across my breasts that are extremely big due to my pregnancy.

"Come sit next to me," Leo grumbles annoyedly.

"Why am I here?," I hastily say feeling uncontrollable anger towards him as the memory of him kissing Rossi reappears in my mind. This thought is legit haunting me. Since yesterday it's been something that has been bugging me deeply.

"I'm feeding my son to a real dinner. Now get your fucking ass over here before-"

"Okay," I spat rolling my eyes abruptly standing up causing the chair to tumble back on the tile floor. I make my way towards Leo feeling anger and at the same time tingles inside my stomach not sure why. Okay, maybe I do know why. Taking a seat near him. I can't help, but hold my breathe immediately reminding myself to breathe feeling such intimidation as I feel his strong gaze on me making me want to disappear in this exact moment.

"Why don't you look me in the eye Madison?," Leo sneers gulping down the last of the remaining liquid of wine. I find it quite difficult to make eye contact with Leo not sure if it's out of pure fear or something much more. However, being this close to him is causing the butterflies I thought died three and half months ago to revive again in this instant. How can someone like him cause all of my emotions to be all over the place?

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