Chapter 2 : Ruined Day

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Lunch was uneventful. Well of course it was, I sat alone since I didn't really see anyone I knew. I tried finding that Mellow girl but the cafeteria was too packed and crowded for me to make any progress in doing so. In the end, I decided to get the whole ordeal over with. Admittedly, though, the food was no short of absolutely delicious, that was a five-star meal right there!

Now the classes before that were really tame too, since it was more on introductions and whatnot. The teachers were really friendly and energetic still, so I had my fun. 

Currently, I was navigating my way to my next class: Gym. There were students around me who walked, but unlike them I ran. I made it a point to make it to my classes a few minutes early to prevent the late scene I went through earlier to happen again. I made my way through the corridors, heading to the Training Grounds where the class was located. When I finally exited the academy, since the grounds were outside, I stopped to take the time and look at the scenery in awe.

I noticed little beads of little light that floated around and illuminated the lush landscape. Everything seemed so. . . Refreshing. greenwood and redwood trees were scattered at the sides of the area's perimeter, acting as a barrier and wall around the place. I saw benches tucked away near them, meaning this place was also a lounging area for when the school day was over.

 "Woah. . . this is amazing," I whispered.

"I know right!" 

I jumped in surprise and faced the direction from which the abrupt voice came from. It originated from a girl just about my age with attention-grabbing blue hair in a pixie cut. 

"Oh. . . Hi?" I said, unsure what to make of this.

The girl smiled brightly. "Sorry if I startled you! I just can't agree more! Look at this place, it's stunning! I'm so lucky to be able to attend M.A.!" She exclaimed happily. "Oh! I forgot to mention that my name is Lei, Lei Petunia! I'm so happy to meet someone new!" 

Goodness this girl is. . . Extra. I thought. "Yeah, hi. My name is Hannah Verison. It's nice to meet you too," I replied slowly. 

We then shook hands to seal the deal.

"So. . . is  Gym your next class as well?" I asked her in an attempt to start small talk.

"Yes! And I'm super excited!" She added, her smile widening even more than I thought was possible.

I couldn't help but crack an amused smile. "I could tell." I had to say, her cheeriness was a refreshing sight but contagious as well.

As soon as I said that, a loud whistle was heard from a distance. Many other students quickened their paces and started heading towards the location of the Gym class while others started hurrying back inside the academy. That could only mean that. . . 

"Class is starting, Lei! Lets go!" I said.

"Why are you interested in classes?! Look at this place! There are so much nature--"

I cut her off by grabbing her arm and dragging her with me towards the Training Grounds which, by the way was quite a distance away from the back area of the school.

The Training Grounds had rough soil and lots of training obstacles. There were some in which you had to fight something or someone, others were about dodging and reaching the finish line.

The loud whistle was heard once more, it's source was the training coach.

"A'ight! Today we will be running the dodging obstacle, so get your weak limbs ready!" That's harsh. "And do summon your spirit animal to help you."

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