Chapter 25 : Dreams And Travels

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We walked away quietly, we had to do something. First, there's the One who controls Darkness, and then the Dark Magic Wielders, and now the Snake King who's roaming the land as we speak.

"We gotta' run away..." I muttered.

"Huh?" Lara asked.

"We need to stop them. No one will, so we have to. I'm tired of being attacked by them. In or not, your choice."

I eyed them.

"I'm most definitely in." Luna, my sister, said with confidence.

Veronica grinned.
"If it means that punk of a snake is gonna' vanish, I'm in."

Lara shifted unconfortabley.
"I don't know, if it means I could have my family back, then count me in."

I smiled, but what did Lara mean by 'if I could have my family back'? I didn't want to push it, it may be personal. What am I thinking? Of course its personal!

I smiled. We crept out the village, we were halfway out when a familiar voice cried out, "what are you doing?"

I turned around, Jake. Mellow was a bit behind him, but her expression said she had the same idea. I shook my head.

"You know what I'm doing, what I want to do. What we want to do."

Jake sighed.
"We want to come. If it means getting rid of the stupid teacher 'guiding' us, I'm so in."

I grinned.
"Come on, no time to slack. They might notice we're gone sooner than expected."

And off we went.

We passed fields of corn and towns and villages. We passed by suspicious looking people wearing hoods, I wouldn't blame them, I'd wear one if I had one, too.

"The hideout of the One who controls Darkness must be here somewhere..." I muttered with irritation, I was starving, not to mention very tired.

"Maybe we should rest for a couple of minutes or an hour."
Lara suggested.

I grinned.
"Best suggestion I've heard all day. I'm exhausted." I remarked, we checked our pockets, we had enough money.

We went in a village then into an inn, Mary Rose's Inn, and crashed there for a bit. Me, Luna and Veronica stayed in one room, Mellow, Jake and Lara stayed in another. I just realized Jake was the only boy, it must feel horrible to him. I giggled at the thought.

I collapsed on a bed in our room. I closed my eyes for a while, and before I knew it, I fell into a deep slumber.
The night sky shimmered with wonder, the stars glittered in the dark. But what stood out was a woman, yes, a woman, in a village, in a building, in the middle of a room, a cell.

"Keep her there until we get answers. Give her only bread and water, nothing more." A deep, cold voice commanded.

"Y-yes, sir." They stammered and scrambled away.

The man with the cold voice turned to the woman. He narrowed his eyes.

"Where are they? The remaining Lights? If their still alive, we won't succeed with our plan, to drain the magic of Crytalida and claim it as our own." He said with an evil laugh. "Not to mention turning it upside down."

The woman laughed, as if heard a funny joke.
"Me? Tell you? In your stupid dreams! Never! Crytalida depends on the two of them and I ain't betraying the Light." She said with a bit of sass.

The man growled.
"You will regret that. We will torture you until you spit out information." He walked away.

"Help..." the woman muttered, who didn't care about her brown hair all over her face, her purple eyes glowing in the darkness. She cried silently.

"Wake up, sleepy head!" A voice exclaimed, waking me. Veronica.


"-No time! We gotta' go! Search Parties ate searching for us, their in town! We gotta' leave, and leave unseen." Luna said in a hurried voice.

I nodded.
"Okay, let's go, go, go!!" I said with urgency and we fled the inn, followed by Jake, Mellow and Lara.

Familiar fourth years patrolled the area, I panicked, we had to be unseen. I remembered the people wearing cloaks, an idea sparked in my mind.

"Guys, we need black cloaks-"

Jake threw six black cloaks at me, I stared at him.
"Where did you get this?"

He shrugged.
"Uuhhmmm... I... found it! Mmhhmm, near some weird dudes." He said.

"Doesn't matter, get one! All of you!"

I placed a cloak on, pulling the hood on, hiding my face. I've always wanted to dress mysteriously, my wish finally came true.

"Let's go-"

"Hey, peeps. Have you seen six missing children?"

I stared and shook my head.
"No, young sir." I paused, pretending to recall something. "Actually, I did. Wearing uniform, headed near the plaza."

The fourth year thanked me and walked away. I exhaled sharply, then motioned for them to follow.

We leapt through the village and exited. We were greeted by a dark and dense forest. We looked around, I saw a faint glimpse of a house in the trees before the wind blew, making the swaying branches cover the house. I pointed its direction.

"Over there," I said.

They looked at me as if I were mad.

"There's nothing there, silly!" Lara teased.

I growled.
"There's a treehouse up there, I saw a glimpse of it! I swear I saw it! Just follow me. . ."

I led them towards the tree I saw the peculiar house on. I bent down and touched the ground. Suddenly, vines grew and wrapped around us then brought us to the top. And indeed, there was a house there.

"Told you so!" I said.
The others groaned at my immature self.

The vines dropped us off the platform in front of the door. I slowly opened the knob to see a house filled with amazing things. It bursted with color, mostly red, scarlet and velvet.

But there was a woman with a cloak the color of velvety blood, her face was unseen because the shadow of her hood hid it.

"You finally came." She said.

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