Chapter 27 : The Liogon

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I glanced at Hannah, who was looking away and on the verge of crying. I can relate very much, I have experienced the same things she has.

My parents went on a quest, they returned with a blackened heart and started. . . Treating me differently. They turned cold heartened and didn't treat me as their own anymore, rumor has it the parents or 'volunteers' that went on this quest was affected by dark magic. They will only be cured by the magic of Linda Light, Hannah and Luna's mother.
But since she's. . . Gone, that'd won't happen any soon.

I sighed and slowed my pace, it was going to be a long trip back to the academy. We had to make an excuse to not rise any suspicion about our. . . absence.

"Hannah," I started as she looked my way. "Shouldn't we be coming with an excuse to--"

"I got that covered. I have two, actually, but I don't know which one I should pick." She shrugged. "No biggie, they'll be soft on us since we. . . had a rough time."

I sighed and nodded, great, we had no plan. I couldn't help but panic when I didn't have a clear plan, It's a problem I have.

Rustling in the trees got my attention. I looked around wearily then shook Veronica's shoulder. A blue haired man, by the looks of it, was running.

"V-V, there's something-"

She placed a hand over my mouth, everyone was frozen, looking around in alarm. I suppose they heard it too.

The rustling stopped, I bit my lip. I stepped forward, and before I knew it, the ground collapsed around me.


________ (no one)

Hannah turned around to find Lara gone. She panicked and peeped through the hole, all that was there was a dark abyss, but she saw a a bit of light but that light illuminated nothing.

"Lara?!" Hannah exclaimed, my voice echoing through the hole.

A hand cupped my hand.
"She'll be fine."

Hannah turned to Luna.
"How do you know that?! She could be dead by now!"

Luna shook her head.
"If anything, I know she could hold on. But we have to hurry to save her, she could be in danger."

Hannah rolled her eyes.
"She obviously is!"

Without hesitation, Hannah jumped in. Luna shouted her name, although her next words were muffled.

Darkness surrounded Hannah. She glimpsed down to see water, and a few sharp crystals sprouting from the water. Oh dear. . . This was going to be painful.

She fell into the water with a huge splash and received a few pricks from the sharp crystals.

"Ow, ow!" Hannah cried, then she looked around.
"Lara?!" She exclaimed, searching for her, panic filling her chest.

A short moan echoed through the cave. Hannah followed the sound, hoping to find Lara at the source. She dived into the water and searched for Lara, she could be somewhere in the surface, she too could be somewhere underwater. It wasn't long before Hannah heard another loud splash, she then re-surfaced. There threaded Mellow, she surveyed the area then spotted Hannah.

"Hannah! Have you found Lara?" She asked.

Hannah shook her head.
"Nope, I couldn't look underwater and up on the surface at the same time."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Lets search then, I'll search on the surface while you search underwater. I heard you're a good swimmer."

Mellow grinned.
"After falling into that river the first time we ventured into the Forest of Aglow I started taking swimming lessons."

Hannah doggy paddled around, searching the surface while Mellow dived. Hannah's eyes darted here to there, trying to search for Lara.

"Lara?!" Hannah exclaimed.

"Hannah. . . "

Hannah's eyes widened at the sound of Lara's voice, could it be?! She turned a corner to find Lara lying on the ground, a strange golden furry creature with furry wings and a mane like a lion's on top of her. It's right wing was on Lara's forehead, a yellow light glowing as it made contact.

"Lara!" Hannah turned to the beast. "Get away from her!"

'I'm healing her, do you want me to stop?' It said in my head, my eyes widened.

"Oh. . . Well then, thank you." Hannah muttered before taking a step closer to marvel at the creature.

As mentioned, it had golden furry wings and a mane just like a lion's. It had blue eyes and a shimmering gem on it's chest.

'My name is Lunto and I am a Liogon.' It said.

Hannah hesitated.
"Hi, Lunto. Can I. . . Uhm, see my friend?"

The Lunto nodded and lifted it's wing from Lara's forehead. As soon as he did, Lara's relaxed breathing stopped and became fast. Hannah's eyes widened.

"P-put your wing back!" She exclaimed in alarm as Lunto followed, Lara relaxed. "Thank you. . . Why is she like that?"

The Liogon growled.
'Infection. . . Cave demon was here, infected her. Her life span is shorter now, and she's cursed. The bright side is, she know has the ability to shift into a demon and harness it's abilities without going mad and becoming evil.'

Hannah pondered.
"What curse?"

Lunto purred.
'Don't know. She'll be better in a bit, guaranteed. After being newly infected, it makes your breathing harder and makes your head hurt a lot.'

Hannah sighed, she hoped Lara was fine. She then remembered Mellow was still searching somewhere in the depths of the waters.

"Mellow! I've found Lara! She's safe!" Hannah shouted, her voice echoing.

Mellow resurfaced and saw the Liogon, she smiled.
"A Liogon! What rarity. . ."

Hannah felt dumb, how could Mellow know about this Liogon and she didn't? Hannah then explained to Mellow what had happened.

"I see. . . Well. Now that she's found we have to return with the group."

Hannah nodded.
"But how exactly are we going to do that?"

'I'll help! I've always wanted to be with company, it's better than being isolated.'

Hannah raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure? We won't want to bother you. . ."

Lunto nodded.
'I'm positive! Hop on!"

Hannah turned to see Mellow climbing out the water and unto Lunto, Hannah followed shortly, bringing Lara. Lunto flapped his wings and blasted a bright orange light from his big jaws, making the ceiling crumble, revealing an exit.

He flew up and into freedom.

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